- albertyq
- andrewcz
- bbdamodaran
- bsjjim
- carpetriNew York, NY
- cinjon
- CruiserXYuanta Securities
- duduchengEPFL
- heqing-psychologyInstitute of Biophysics, Chinese Academy of Sciences
- inlmouseTsinghua University
- jhcloos
- JiangtangFidelity Investments
- jjanicechen
- joanbrunaCourant Institute and Center for Data Science, NYU
- KaushikChowdhuryCelebal Tech
- klausberger1707Munich
- laurencecaoShanghai
- lihe8811TalkingData
- meisi
- mklf@bupt
- moriarty0405
- oak-tree
- QilinGuPortland, Oregon
- qsguoUniversity of Helsinki
- rdkIOCB Prague / Charles University
- schorndorferNorthwestern University
- sksq96
- trycatcher
- tscohen
- wengbenjueshanghai
- wookayinUniversity of Michigan
- wximo
- xptreeZhejiang Lab and Zhejiang University
- zclflyPeking University
- zeroAskaUniversity of Michigan