:star2: A Lightweight and customizable package of Emoji Picker in Vue using emojis natives (unicode).
Pinned issues
Picker not displaying on 2.3.1 (template or render function not defined)
#73 opened by evanwirt
- 0
Support newer emoji version 15.0
#122 opened by IJsLauw - 0
exceptEmojis prop is not working
#116 opened by jagadeeshkuna - 2
Can't clear the search input and currentCatogory would not reset to 'Peoples' when closing the emoji picker
#106 opened by bwliu62 - 5
- 0
[feat]: When to support vue3 it
#109 opened by shengq666 - 0
there is no vue3 available version for npm
#108 opened by bug4j - 0
Required alias for "rofl"
#101 opened by giliomeejg - 0
I have a scrolling problem
#98 opened by XavierShi - 1
Support for Skin tones
#88 opened by byrnecode - 1
- 0
Allow customization of width and height
#92 opened by j-f-r - 1
emoji 存入数据库的前端处理方法(The front-end processing method for storing emoji in database)
#79 opened by yyccQQu - 0
- 0
- 0
Search doesn't search across categories
#84 opened by solomon23 - 1
- 6
- 2
2.3.1 only working in dev, not in production
#78 opened by quantumwebco - 1
Looking forward to your pc version~~~~~~
#80 opened by yyccQQu - 1
安装的2.3.1 版本组件不能加载
#74 opened by meiqinLiu - 1
- 2
#72 opened by zxx370455951 - 1
- 1
Support a dark theme
#66 opened by Pik-9 - 1
I think it would be useful to have a prop that lets you limit by Emoji version
#63 opened by michaelschofield - 2
Add slots for UI customization
#46 opened by guanzo - 10
Make `customEmojis` reactive
#54 opened by guanzo - 1
Responsive Popup
#59 opened by Andrewsuares - 1
[feature request] i18n
#38 opened by 1001v - 0
Documentation fix: Event content on version 2
#57 opened by melaku-z - 3
CDN script error: "Uncaught ReferenceError: vuePropertyDecorator is not defined"
#53 opened by guanzo - 2
- 2
- 1
- 1
[feature request] Show prop
#44 opened by loginetsolutions - 5
- 6
Increase Emoji Size
#37 opened by Andrewsuares - 2
Missing font in font-family
#42 opened by 1001v - 1
- 6
[feature request] typings for typescript
#39 opened by 1001v - 1
the example in codesandbox is not working
#35 opened by shakesBeardZ - 6
- 2
Possibly Missing documentation v2.0.1
#31 opened by flaviocordova - 1
- 3
Here is a issue about use font face
#28 opened by KimberlyZou - 1
Emoji's selection box not aligned
#26 opened by flaviocordova - 5
some problem i can't resolve
#25 opened by weitingGao - 1
Minor Documentation Fix
#27 opened by flaviocordova - 0
Dropup instead of dropdown possible?
#24 opened by pingustar - 3
couldn't insert emoji between other words
#23 opened by UMRzcz-831