joaomnmoreira's Stars
LLM based autonomous agent that conducts local and web research on any topic and generates a comprehensive report with citations.
Ready-to-run cloud templates for RAG, AI pipelines, and enterprise search with live data. 🐳Docker-friendly.⚡Always in sync with Sharepoint, Google Drive, S3, Kafka, PostgreSQL, real-time data APIs, and more.
Free MLOps course from DataTalks.Club
YOLOv5 Object Tracking + Detection + Object Blurring + Streamlit Dashboard Using OpenCV, PyTorch and Streamlit
A proof of concept app to optically track a barbell through its range of motion using OpenCV to give the lifter realtime feedback on concentric avg velocity, cutoff velocity, and displacement for a Velocity Based Training program.
cross-platform (Qt), open-source (GPLv3) video editor
Surfrider Europe's project Plastic Origins aims at mapping river plastic pollution. This citizen science project uses AI to detect litter on river banks. Results are put on a map and shared publicly. We welcome contributions from volunteers. Please, get in touch.
A static website featuring the sketchnotes from my Cloud Computing learning journeys - with relevant links to sources where possible
One-click full page screen captures in Google Chrome
Entire page Screenshot extension for Google Chrome. I'm developing open source extension for Google Chrome. All extension are free for use. Let's make Chrome great again!