
Gazebo plugin to simulate ARVA sensors

Primary LanguageC++


This ROS package provides the implementation of a Gazebo plugins to simulate the behavior of an ARVA transceiver systems. ARVA means Appareil de Recherche de Victims en Avalanche and represents the forefront technology in rescuing avalanche victims. In particular, the proposed package contains two different plugins: the receiver and transmitter.


ARVA system is one of the forefront technologies nowadays used in Search & Rescue operations in case of avalanches. The ARVA devices consist of two main elements, i.e. a transmitter and a receiver, which are operated alternatively. Excursionists and skiers who use the ARVA normally set in the transmitting mode so that, in the accidental case of avalanche, the system is already set in the right operative mode. In the receiver mode, the ARVA devices provide information about the electromagnetic field, emitted by the transmitter, which is exploited to guide the rescuer toward the victim. The working principle of this sensor is based on the detection of the magnetic low-power pulses, emitted by the transmitter. This information is usually made available to the rescuers in terms of magnetic distance and magnetic direction to the victim.

This package contains two Gazebo ROS plugins. One implementing the ARVA transmitter and another one the receiver. Using this plugins, researcher and developer can investigate new Search & Rescue strategies using ARVA data, endowing simulated robots with the ARVA receiver.


To install and test the arva_sim package you can refer to the wiki page of the project