
This packages contains the implementation of a gazebo-ros plugin to directly control the propeller velocities of an UAV simulated with the PX4 SITL simulator

Compiling this package you will generate the shared library: libgazebo_ros_interface.so. Including this plugin in your UAV model, you can dirctly send to gazebo the rotor velocity as rad/s.

To test the plugin you can use the file included in the launch directory of sitl_gazebo package:

 $ roslaunch px4 tarot_tilt_salone.launch

In the following the input and the output of the plugin are listed.

Model output

  • Orientation [sensor_msgs::Imu]: on topic /tarot/imu/data the plugin plubishes the orientation of the UAV
  • Global position [sensor_msgs::NavSatFix]: on topic /1tarot/gps/fix the output of the GPS Of the UAV
  • Local pose [geometry_msgs::PoseStamped]: on topic /tarot/local_pose the local position of the UAV

Model input

  • Propeller velocity [std_msgs/Float32MultiArray]: on topic /tarot/motor_vel the desired velocity for UAV propellers must be published. The filed data of this message must be resized to store 4 float values (one for each propeller velocity). An example on how to publish this data is reported in the example folder of the package. You can ran the example with the following command:

      $ rosrun px4_gazebo_standalone motor_vel_example