Seamlessly integrate a static typed, fully-tested color-picking React component/hook!
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user might want to pick the color of a button, how do i stop propagation of the click event?
#84 opened by 0x0wen - 1
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support compatibility with React 18
#52 opened by theunexpected1 - 4
onPickStart, onPickEnd for hook
#55 opened by paulm17 - 2
Usage examples
#54 opened by ryancwalsh - 2
reset cursor to default on unmounting
#53 opened by theunexpected1 - 2
backgroundImage check
#50 opened by iofjuupasli - 4
Eyedrop does not work on background image
#40 opened by sapirost - 4
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Invalid Hook Call
#29 opened by ButlerBorst - 5
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Getting an error for Unsupported image type
#26 opened by daiky00 - 7
Color selection is offset
#21 opened by kevinhaas - 3
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Excessive looping on customComponent when populating eyedropper buttons using map
#8 opened by gundamftw - 7
Can't change button text to empty
#7 opened by gundamftw - 5
EyeDropper getting the wrong color
#5 opened by gundamftw - 6
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Better documentation?
#1 opened by gundamftw