This repository contains the data and code for our paper:
Arranz-Otaegui, Amaia, and Roe, Joe (2023). Revisiting the concept of the ‘Neolithic Founder Crops’ in southwest Asia. Vegetation History & Archaeobotany.
The analysis
directory contains:
- 📁 SI1.Rmd: R Markdown source code for
the supplement to our manuscript describing the quantitative analysis.
It includes code to reproduce the figures and tables generated by the
- 📁 SI1.html: rendered version of the supplement in HTML format.
- 📁 SI1.pdf: rendered version of the supplement in PDF format.
- 📁 data: Data used in the analysis.
- 📁 raw_data: Data from other sources – see manuscript for attribution.
- 📁 derived_data: Collated and processed dataset used for our analysis.
- 📁 figures: Individual figures and tables generated in the analysis.
Additional R functions supporting the analysis are contained in the R
This research compendium has been developed using the statistical programming language R. To work with the compendium, you will need installed on your computer the R software itself and optionally RStudio Desktop.
You can download the compendium as a zip from from this URL: After unzipping: - open the .Rproj
file in RStudio - run devtools::install()
to ensure you have the
packages this analysis depends on (also listed in the
DESCRIPTION file). - finally, open
and ‘knit’ or run
in the R console to produce
the analysis.html
and analysis.pdf
Arranz-Otaegui, Amaia, and Roe, Joe (2023). Revisiting the concept of the ‘Neolithic Founder Crops’ in southwest Asia. Vegetation History & Archaeobotany.
In addition to our paper above, you can cite this compendium specifically as:
Roe, Joe, & Arranz Otaegui, Amaia. (2023). The “Neolithic Founder Crops” in Southwest Asia: Research Compendium. Zenodo.>
Text and figures: CC-BY-4.0
Code: See the DESCRIPTION file
Data: CC-0 attribution requested in reuse