FastAPI template project

This is a condensed version of the fastapi cookier cutter found here

This is intended to be the minimum necessary to start building a larger project with no opinion on deployment or databases

Create a new python environment:

conda create -n fastapi python=3.9


Install poetry and packages

curl -sSL | python -
make install


Install development version

make install-dev

Create a database

create database fastapi_db;
create user thatsyou with password 'changethis';
ALTER ROLE thatsyou SET client_encoding TO 'utf8';
ALTER ROLE thatsyou SET default_transaction_isolation TO 'read committed';
ALTER ROLE thatsyou SET timezone TO 'UTC';
GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON DATABASE fastapi_db to thatsyou;

Set the environment variables

export POSTGRES_SERVER="localhost"
export POSTGRES_USER="thatsyou"
export POSTGRES_PASSWORD="changethis"
export POSTGRES_DB="fastapi_db"
export POSTGRES_TEST_DB="nameoftestdatabase"

Create the database migration

make migrations

Run the migrations to update the tables in the database

make build

Check the installation

make test

Serve the application

make serve