
Micro application framework for medical image analysis on a clinical PACS

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


Docker Cloud Automated build Docker Cloud Build Status

A micro-application framework for performing medical image analysis on a clinical PACS.

Run development server


pip install git+https://github.com/johncolby/rad_apps


Create a .env configuration file using the template at .env_template. For the small test application included, you only need to specify SMTP MAIL_USERNAME, MAIL_PASSWORD, and optionally MAIL_SERVER (if not Office 365).

Start application services

  1. Start redis message broker.

    docker run -d -p 6379:6379 --name redis redis
  2. Start redis queue, rq.

    rq worker
  3. Start flask.

    export DOTENV_FILE=/path/to/.env # generated above
    export FLASK_APP=rad_apps.py
    export FLASK_ENV=development
    flask run
  4. Point a web browser at localhost:5000.

Run production docker cluster


  1. Install docker.

  2. Initialize swarm mode (e.g. docker swarm init for a simple one node swarm). This is only needed the first time you use swarm mode.

  3. Clone the rad_apps repository.

    git clone https://github.com/johncolby/rad_apps
    cd rad_apps
  4. Make sure an appropriate .env file is available in the current directory.

Start cluster

docker stack deploy -c <(docker-compose config) rad_apps

This command will automatically parse the docker-compose.yml cluster specification, download the requisite docker images including johncolby/rad_apps, and spin up the cluster.

Point a web browser at localhost:5001.

In some use cases you might find yourself needing to connect other containers to the rad_apps_net overlay network. For example, to spin up a GPU-enabled deep learning model library, and connect it to the app cluster, one could do something like this:

docker run --gpus 1 -itd --network rad_apps_net --name mms -p 8082:8082 -v /home/jcolby/Research/mms/:/mms awsdeeplearningteam/multi-model-server:nightly-mxnet-gpu multi-model-server --start --mms-config /mms/config.properties --model-store /mms --models gbm=gbm.mar heme=heme.mar

This tells docker to:

  1. Fetch the multi-model-server image from docker hub (if not already done so).
  2. Launch a container instance named mms with 1 available GPU, connect it to the rad_apps_net overlay network, and bind mount our local model store so it is available within the container.
  3. Launch multi-model-server with the following command line arguments: --start --mms-config /mms/config.properties --model-store /mms --models gbm=gbm.mar heme=heme.mar

While beyond our scope here, more info on mms is available at awslabs/multi-model-server.

Useful cluster management commands

docker stack ls
docker stack services rad_apps
docker container ls
docker service logs -f --no-task-ids rad_apps_worker
docker service ps rad_apps_worker --no-trunc
docker service scale rad_apps_web=2 rad_apps_redis=2 rad_apps_worker=8

Stop cluster

docker rm -f mms
docker stack rm rad_apps

Build docker image (optional)

cd /path/to/rad_apps
docker build

You may additionally want to extend the base johncolby/rad_apps image for your own needs. For example, to include FSL tools (a hefty 10 GB), you may create a Dockerfile that looks something like this:

FROM johncolby/rad_apps:latest

# Setup FSL
ENV FSLDIR /usr/local/fsl
RUN curl -O https://fsl.fmrib.ox.ac.uk/fsldownloads/fslinstaller.py
RUN /usr/bin/python2 fslinstaller.py -d ${FSLDIR} -q

Application plugins

This package comes with a small test application plugin at testapp.py, which is loaded by default, and should be a useful starting point to write your own plugin module.

  1. Subclass the radstudy.RadStudy class, defining at least a process method, and optionally replacing other methods to meet your own needs (e.g. a new download for your own PACS).

  2. Define any application-specific Options, which will be included in the web form.

  3. Define a small wrapper_fun, which will take those options (typically at least the requested accession number) and hand them off to your study instance.

  4. Instantiate an AppPlugin with these items as well as basic app metadata.

  5. Edit your .env file to point to your new module.

Other examples: