
MonoGame/FNA Library that extends functionality of the SpriteFont.

Primary LanguageC#MIT LicenseMIT

BREAKING CHANGE: DynamicSpriteFont had been moved to the project: https://github.com/rds1983/FontStashSharp


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Library that extends functionality of the SpriteFont.


  • Creation of SpriteFont in the run-time from ttf.
  • Creation of SpriteFont in the run-time from AngelCode BMFont(only XML with single texture works for now).

Adding Reference

There are two ways of referencing SpriteFontPlus in the project:

  1. Through nuget(works only for MonoGame): https://www.nuget.org/packages/SpriteFontPlus/

  2. As source code(works for both MonoGame and FNA):

    a. Clone this repo.

    b. Execute git submodule update --init --recursive within the folder the repo was cloned to.

    c. Add src/SpriteFontPlus.MonoGame.csproj or src/SpriteFontPlus.FNA.csproj to the solution.

    • If FNA is used, then the folder structure is expected to be following: Folder Structure

Loading SpriteFont from a ttf

Following code creates a SpriteFont from a ttf:

var fontBakeResult = TtfFontBaker.Bake(File.ReadAllBytes(@"C:\\Windows\\Fonts\arial.ttf"),

SpriteFont font = fontBakeResult.CreateSpriteFont(GraphicsDevice);

Full sample is here: samples/SpriteFontPlus.Samples.TtfBaking

Loading SpriteFont from AngelCode BMFont

Texture2D texture;
using (var stream = TitleContainer.OpenStream("Fonts/test_0.png"))
	texture = Texture2D.FromStream(GraphicsDevice, stream);

string fontData;
using (var stream = TitleContainer.OpenStream("Fonts/test.fnt"))
	using (var reader = new StreamReader(stream))
		fontData = reader.ReadToEnd();

// As we use font with one texture, always return it independently from requested name
SpriteFont font = BMFontLoader.LoadXml(fontData, name => texture);

Full sample is here: samples/SpriteFontPlus.Samples.BMFont

Building From Source Code

  1. Clone this repo.
  2. git submodule update --init --recursive
  3. Open a solution from the "build" folder.
