
Startup Script Raspi

lopezj1 opened this issue · 1 comments

I followed the instructions for the startup script and replaced
# do something
/home/pi/serial-port-json-server_linux_arm/serial-port-json-server -regex usb|acm &
log_end_msg $?
exit 0


# do something
/home/pi/serial-port-json-server-1.88_linux_arm/serial-port-json-server -regex usb|acm &
log_end_msg $?
exit 0

At first I received an error because the json server could not be found after typing
sudo update-rc.d serial-port-json-server defaults
but then I added the line found in issue #51 to make the file executable
sudo chmod +x /etc/init.d/serial-port-json-server

which seemed to take. Problem is now when I reboot the raspi I don't see the json server terminal window when viewing through VNC nor does any port show up on CP after I connect to the IP address of the pi
screen shot 2017-07-17 at 11 48 11 pm