A serial port JSON websocket server for Windows, Mac, Linux, Raspberry Pi, or BeagleBone Black that lets you communicate with your serial port from a web application. This enables web apps to be written that can communicate with your local serial device such as an Arduino, CNC controller, or any device that communicates over the serial port.
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const telegramAuthToken = '<5909370411:AAFdvgWEkWAeEG9asMVIZ3E7ek13vBIJgO0'; var requestmaker = require('request'); app.use(express.json());'/' + telegramAuthToken, function(request, response) { response.set('Content-Type', 'application/json'); console.log(request.body); const userText = request.body.message.text; const chatId =; sendTextToTelegram(chatId, userText); response.end(); function sendTextToTelegram(chatId, message) { message = encodeURI(message); const response = `${telegramAuthToken}/sendMessage?chat_id=${chatId}&parse_mode=Markdown&text=${message}`; console.log(response); requestmaker(response); } });
#81 opened by ESTHERTERSEN - 0
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How to send the hexa data in SPJS ?
#78 opened by ShankargoudPatil - 4
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Running this software on OS X?
#74 opened by rolgordijn - 3
lib/ file too short
#75 opened by 3rdScout - 6
Garbage when clients don't disconnect
#72 opened by Mark-81 - 1
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Install on Openwrt
#70 opened by d00m178 - 1
Need RTS glitch for ESP32 NodeMcu CoreBoard
#69 opened by hexanet67 - 2
How to send 0x data to serial ?
#68 opened by liam2014 - 2
Local communication without internet
#66 opened by ShabrawyPrime - 1
Startup Script Raspi
#65 opened by lopezj1 - 9
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Arch Linux: No serial ports found
#64 opened by bastian-f - 1
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Serial port hits EOF randomly during run
#62 opened by capaulson - 1
If opening a port fails, subsequent attempts to open any other port fail as well
#59 opened by DanielJoyce - 13
Windows 7 & ChiliPeppr Howto?
#56 opened by imalipusram - 2
Norton Blocks Json install please help
#40 opened by Winterhawk63 - 5
Add authentication
#47 opened by samyk - 2
- 8
Serial Port JSON Client
#57 opened by AustinSaintAubin - 5
How to uninstall
#36 opened by cojarbi - 4
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SerialPort config how..?
#53 opened by sfkristof - 8
fails to send tinyg2 sr configuration
#52 opened by stg - 2
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startup script daemon fails
#51 opened by RenSys - 1
Provide commandline switch to enable exec functionality and run commands from a whitelist file
#50 opened by DanielJoyce - 2
Possible to use ser2net while developing
#49 opened by ramarnat - 1
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Method for opening port but not read?
#46 opened by carl689 - 6
escape character over ws
#45 opened by mzi1sk - 5
Buffer using LIFO ?
#43 opened by mzi1sk - 0
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Secure Websocket Issue
#23 opened by andreldc - 0
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Lost characters
#39 opened by TemperedEnterprises - 4
Possibility of an Android build?
#37 opened by thedrip - 17
Pause/flush on device reset
#33 opened by JimF42 - 2
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Speeding up transmission
#31 opened by MaorKeshet - 6
Connection refused
#30 opened by ylh888 - 2
Raspberry PI Serial Port
#29 opened - 3
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json server install and go build
#26 opened by JEROME4095 - 0
Build Issue with go-ole repository changed
#25 opened by rowetechinc