
lib/ file too short

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This file that comes with AVRDude when downloaded with Serial Port JSON server is 19 bytes and shows file name as text only. The file stops not allow for flashing an Arduino uno. It does say downloaded and programmed with an error below stating that board was not programmed due to the stated file being too short. I have re-installed usb-lib shared library on Ubuntu several times, serial port json server several times under different directories. Furthermore the only options to flash are with the tinyg workspace not GRBL. When hovering above GRBL port for flashing, nothing happens; no update additional window with flashing options. The arduino is flashed with GRBL 0.8 and does work at 9600 baud rate on either workspace tinyg or grbl. The DRO however does not track movement at all. I just want to update to latest GRBL and hopefully use jpadie workspace. Help!