An implementation of the board game 8-Puzzle using Python Tkinter
The goal of this project was to create the board game of 8-puzzle using artificial intelligence (AI). The board is solved using Breadth-first Search (BFS) and A* search algorithm with Manhattan Distance as part of the heuristic function.
- Python 3.0 and above
- pillow (install using pip)
- tkinter (comes default with python)
Once requirements are met, simply run python
Once running, simply click the desired tile to move. Click 'solve' button to automatically show the solution solved by the AI agent, 'reset' button to reset the board, 'shuffle' button to shuffle the board, and 'change' button to change the search algorithm used.
Kunkle D. (2001, October 8). Solving the 8 Puzzle in a Minimum Number of Moves: An Application of the A* Algorithm.