
My universal dotfiles

Primary LanguageVim Script


This repo contains my universal dotfiles for macOS and Linux.

Tested on:

  • macOS Sonoma (14.2.1)
  • Debian 10 on WSL2 (Windows 10)



  • bash 5.2+
  • git 2.39.3+
  • GNU grep 3.1+
  • neovim 0.10+
  • tmux 3.4+
  • zsh 5.9+

Platform specific




Installing the dependencies


sudo apt install zsh tmux git curl tig

Optionally, if you want to use rxvt on X:

sudo apt install rxvt-unicode-256color

See this blog post for instructions on setting up a Vim-friendly desktop environment on Crunchbang++.


Using MacPorts:

sudo port install grep coreutils tmux tig

The system-provided bash, zsh and git versions are usually fine.

To set the MacPorts zsh as the default shell:

sudo chpass -s '/opt/local/bin/zsh' $USER

Installing the dotfiles

Clone this repo somewhere (e.g. ~/.dotfiles) and then do the following:

cd ~/.dotfiles

The script only creates symlinks and is completely non-destructive; it creates backups of any existing files. You can also start it with -d for a dry-run.

If you are using a different location than ~/.dotfiles, you must manually set DOTFILES to point to the cloned repo in ~/.bashrc-pre and ~/.zshrc-pre after the installation.

Installing NeoVim

It's best to download the latest binaries directly from the NeoVim releases page on GitHub, then install it into ~/bin/.

Installing NeoVim plugins

  1. Execute the following:
git clone --depth 1 https://github.com/wbthomason/packer.nvim\ &&
  1. Start NeoVim, then execute :PackerSync

Refer to the packer instructions for further details

.zshrc-pre suggestions


# Manually installed binaries
export PATH="$HOME/bin:$PATH"

# Make GNU sed the default
export PATH="/opt/local/libexec/gnubin/:$PATH"

# Aliases
alias grep=ggrep
alias vim=nvim
alias dircolors=gdircolors

# Use nvim when editing git commits