This project consists of an all-digital FM Stereo Modulator described in Verilog. This Verilog module was designed, by Diogo Correia (@PeachBug) and Pedro Augusto (@PetrusAugustus), to be used with a testbench developed by the professor José Carlos Alves ( for the course of Digital Systems Design (EEC0055) of the Master in Electrical and Computers Engineering at Faculty of Engineering of University of Porto. Some modules of the project could not be shared here, such as the signed multiplier and the 4X linear interpolator, due to being copyright protected. To prevent any kind of copyright infringement, only the Verilog modules developed by us (the students) will be available on this repository. For a better understanding of these IP Blocks, look into IP Blocks.
This module was designed to receive a stereo digital audio signal and generate the multiplexed FM-stereo signal carried on a 5 MHz sinusoidal signal, sampled at 160 MHz. Note that the module's output signal must then be converted to an analog signal, externally, before being transmitted.
- stereo_fm_mx - Top-level module
- module48 - Module containing circuitry that works with the signal sampled at 48MHz
- module192 - Module containing circuitry that works with the signal sampled at 192MHz
- dds - The Direct Digital Synthesizer is a digital calculator of the cos(x) function
Performs the signed multiplication A x B using the sequential shift-add algorithm.
module seqmultNM(
start, // Set start=1 during one clock cycle to start the multiplication
ready, // Set to 1 when the multiplier is ready to accept a new start
A, // Multiplicand, M bits
B, // Multiplier, N bits
R // Result: A x B, M+N bits
Outputs a linear interpolated signal applied at input, with a sampling frequency equal to 4X the frequency of the input data.
module interpol4x(
input clock, // Master clock
input reset, // Master synchronous reset, active high
input clkenin, // clock enable for input data (Fs)
input clken4x, // 4 x input Fs clock enable
input signed [17:0] xkin, // input signal
output reg signed [17:0] ykout // output signal