
A list of awesome astronomy projects

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Awesome Astronomy Awesome

An awesome list of resources for professional astronomers. Everyone is invited to contribute by pull request.




All codes are in Python unless otherwise noted

General purpose

Astrometry / Kinematic / RV / Galactic / Gaia

  • Banyan Sigma - A Bayesian classifier to identify members of the 27 nearest young associations within 150 pc of the Sun
  • Barycorrpy - Calculate the barycentric velocity correction for a star with an accuracy well below 1 cm/s.
  • gaia on tap - Python utilities and examples for accessing Gaia data using the Table Access Protocol (TAP)
  • gaia tools - Tools for working with the ESAGaia data and related data sets
  • gala - Galactic and gravitational dynamics in Python
  • GalPy - Galactic Dynamics in python.
  • Luminosity Calibration Tutorial - Tutorial on use of parallaxes in luminosity calibration; accompanies a Gaia DR2 paper on the proper use of parallaxes (Luri et al. in prep)
  • vaex - Lazy Out-of-Core DataFrames for Python, visualize and explore big tabular data at a billion rows per second.
  • ExoSOFT - Solves for the orbital elements of any single companion, provided observed radial velocity and/or astrometry.
  • pyaneti - A multi-planet Radial Velocity and Transit fit software
  • PyGaia - Python toolkit for basic Gaia data simulation, manipulation, and analysis
  • radvel - General Toolkit for Modeling Radial Velocity Data


  • Apogee - Tools for dealing with APOGEE data
  • Chimera - Atmospheric retrieval code from Mike Line
  • The Cannon - a data-driven method for determining stellar parameters and abundances from stellar spectra.
  • The Payne - Artificial Neural-Net compression and fitting of synthetic spectral grids.
  • PSOAP - Tools for data-driven spectra models with Gaussian processes. Pronounced "soap."
  • pydis - A simple longslit spectroscopy pipeline in Python
  • pyspeckit - Python Spectroscopic Toolkit
  • sick - the spectroscopic inference crank
  • Specmatch Empirical - tool to extract the fundamental properties (effective temperature, radius, and metallicity) by comparing a target star's spectrum to a library of spectra from stars with known properties.
  • Specmatch Synthetic - tool to extract the fundamental properties (effective temperature, radius, and metallicity) by comparing a target star's spectrum to synthetic spectra.
  • SpectResC - A simple spectral resampling Python tool written in C (based on SpectRes)
  • specviz - An interactive astronomical 1D spectra analysis tool.
  • specutils - Astropy affiliated package for 1D spectral operations.
  • splat - SpeX Prism Spectral Analysis Toolkit
  • Starfish - Tools for Flexible Spectroscopic Inference
  • TelFit - Telluric fitting made easy
  • wobble - Precise data-driven RV fitting, now with tellurics!

Photometry and source detection

  • image registration - Image Registration for Astronomy.
  • juliaCeleste.jl - Scalable inference for a generative model of astronomical images.
  • Dust Maps - A uniform interface for a number of 2D and 3D maps of interstellar dust reddening/extinction.
  • fsps - Flexible Stellar Population Synthesis
  • LA Cosmicx - A fast implementation of the LA Cosmic algorithm
  • R ProFound - Source finding and extraction
  • PSFutils - Open-source Python package to provide convenience tools for working with point-spread functions.
  • Synphot - Synthetic photometry using Astropy
  • NOAO Source Catalog - Source catalog of all NOAO imaging data
  • sep - Python and C library for source extraction and photometry
  • sewpy - Source Extractor Wrapper for Python


  • astro_animations - Various animations used for teaching introductory astronomy concepts
  • gifsicle - Create, manipulate, and optimize GIF images and animations
  • holoviews - Stop plotting your data - annotate your data and let it visualize itself.
  • aplpy - Astronomical Plotting Library in Python
  • spectrify - Reverse engineer astronomical spectra into pretty rainbow pictures with Python
  • ztv - An astronomical image viewer written in Python.



  • PyKE - Kepler, K2 & TESS Data Analysis Tools
  • everest - De-trending of K2 Light curves
  • k2sc - K2 systematics correction using Gaussian processes
  • nutella - Great (point) spreads for beautiful Kepler/K2 inference
  • skope - Synthetic K2 Objects for PLD Experimentation
  • k2phot - public k2phot code from Erik Petigura
  • K2-CPM - K2 Causal Pixel Model
  • halophot - K2 Halo Photometry for very bright stars
  • cave - Crowded Aperture Variability Extraction
  • celerite-asteroseis - Transit fitting and basic time-domain asteroseismology using celerite and ktransit
  • k2photometry - Read, reduce and detrend K2 photometry and search for transiting planets
  • keplersmear - Make light curves from Kepler and K2 collateral data
  • OxKeplerSC - Kepler jump and systematics correction using Variational Bayes and shrinkage priors.
  • K2Pipeline - Data reduction and detrending pipeline for K2 data in Matlab
  • PySysRem - A Python implementation of the SysRem algorithm from Tamuz, Mazeh, and Zucker (2004)
  • kali - A library to model a time series as a Continuous-time ARMA process

Full Frame Images

  • f3 - Full Frame Fotometry from the Kepler Full Frame Images
  • FFIorBUST - Make really bad light curves from the Kepler Full Frame Images
  • kepcal - Self calibration using the Kepler FFIs

Data Access

  • kplr - Tools for working with Kepler data using Python
  • kepFGS - Tools to use the Kepler and K2 Fine Guidance Sensor data.
  • k2plr - Fork of dfm/kplr with added k2 functionality


  • kadenza - Converts raw cadence target data from the Kepler space telescope into FITS files.
  • k2-quality-control - Automated quality control of Kepler/K2 data products.
  • SuperstampFITS - Create individual FITS files of K2 superstamp regions.
  • keputils - Basic module for interaction with KOI and Kepler-stellar tables.

Planet Search / Characterization

  • PyTransit - Fast and easy transit light curve modeling using Python and Fortran.
  • batman - Fast transit light curves models in Python.
  • ktransit - A simple exoplanet transit modeling tool in python
  • planetplanet - A general photodynamical code for exoplanet light curves
  • ketu - I can haz planetz?
  • ttvfast-python - Python interface to the TTVFast library
  • fortran TTVFast - TTVFast efficiently calculates transit times for n-planet systems and the corresponding radial velocities.
  • terra - Transit Detection Code
  • pysyzygy - A fast and general planet transit (syzygy) code written in C and in Python
  • k2ps - K2 Planet Search
  • lcps - A tool for pre-selecting light curves with possible transit signatures
  • PyOrbit - PyORBIT: a code for exoplanet orbital parameters and stellar activity.
  • exocartographer - A forward-modeling tool for constraining surface maps orbital parameters of exoplanets from time-resolved photometry
  • Spiderman - A fast code to simulate secondary transits and phase curves
  • ExoCTK - The Exoplanet Characterization Tool Kit, an open-source, modular data analysis package focused primarily on atmospheric characterization of exoplanets

Population Statistics

  • VESPA - Calculating false positive probabilities for transit signals
  • kepler-robovetter - The Kepler Prime Robovetter
  • koi-fpp - False positive probabilities for all KOIs
  • KeplerPORTS - The Kepler Pipeline
  • Kepler-FLTI - Kepler Prime Flux-Level Transit Injection


  • K2fov - Check whether targets are in the field of view of NASA's K2 space telescope
  • K2ephem - Check whether a Solar System body is (or was) observable by NASA's K2 mission.
  • k2-pix - Overlay a sky survey image on a K2 target pixel stamp
  • k2flix - Create quicklook movies from the pixel data observed by Kepler/K2/TESS
  • k2mosaic - Mosaic Target Pixel Files (TPFs) obtained by NASA's Kepler/K2 missions into images and movies.
  • tvguide - A tool for determining whether stars and galaxies are observable by TESS.

Science / Astrophysics

  • isochrones - Pythonic stellar model grid access; easy MCMC fitting of stellar properties
  • ldtk - Python toolkit for calculating stellar limb darkening profiles
  • isoclassify - Perform stellar classifications using isochrone grids
  • appaloosa - Python-based flare finding code for Kepler light curves.
  • pymacula - Python wrapper for Macula analytic starspot code
  • MulensModel - Microlensing Modelling package
  • animate_spots - Make frames for animated gifs/movies showing a rotating spotted star
  • spotrod - A semi-analytic model for transits of spotted stars -- C implementation and Python API
  • decatur - Tidal Synchronization of Kepler Eclipsing Binaries


  • PandExo - A Community Tool for Transiting Exoplanet Science with the JWST & HST
  • kepler_orrery - Make a Kepler orrery gif or movie of all the Kepler multi-planet systems
  • koi3278 - Analysis files for the KOI-3278 system
  • trappist1 - TRAPPIST-1 photometry with K2


  • binaryoffset - Detecting and Correcting the Binary Offset Effect in CCDs
  • INDI - INDI is a standard for astronomical instrumentation control
  • astroberry-server - astronomy desktop system for Raspberry Pi 3 based on INDI



  • AAVSO APASS Optical all sky data.
  • AAVSO Data - Long time baseline data for variable stars.
  • AllWISE - Wide Field Infrared Survey Explorer.
  • AstroML - Tools and data sets, including SDSS, LINEAR light curves, LIGO data.
  • Gaia Archive - Gaia data for one billion stars.
  • GALEX SQL query - Galex data.
  • Hipparcos - Subset of HYG.
  • HYG- Database containing all stars in Hipparcos, Yale Bright Star, and Gliese catalogs (almost 120,000 stars, 14 MB).
  • LINEAR - 7194 LINEAR variables with light curve classification.
  • MAST - The Mikulski Archive for Space Telescopes houses astronomical data sets in the optical, ultraviolet, and near-infrared parts of the spectrum
  • NOAO Data Lab - Offers large datasets now being generated by instruments on NOAO and other wide-field telescopes.
  • OGLE - Variable stars towards OGLE-III fields in the Magellanic Clouds and Galactic bulge
  • Open Astronomy Catalogs - Databases of supernovae, tidal disruptions, kilonovae, and high-velocity stars.
  • Open Exoplanet Catalogue - An open source database of all discovered extrasolar planets.
  • Research-based Science Education for Undergraduates - Curated datasets on 7 projects designed for undergraduates.
  • SDSS SQL query - Sloan Digital Sky Survey.
  • SDSS for Teachers - Includes basic projects and advanced projects
  • Supernova Cosmology Project The Union2.1 SN Ia compilation of 883 SNe from 19 datasets.

Future Datasets

  • ARCHES - XMM-Newton cross match database
  • Pan-Starrs - Public data release coming soon.

Social Media


  • Project Panoptes - A citizen science project that aims to make it easy for anyone to build a low cost, robotic telescope that can be used to detect transiting exoplanets.

Licensed Creative Commons Zero.

This exists because they told me to do it.