
Kibana components of the Wazuh cluster built in Ansible

Primary LanguageJinjaUniversal Permissive License v1.0UPL-1.0


This stack contains the Wazuh cluster Kibana Ansible Playbook. This deploys up the Open Distro Kibana implementation and Wazuh App.

Ansible Role: wazuh-kibana

We developed this role to stand the Open Distro Kibana in Wazuh cluster based on the configurations and requirements. Installs
Kibana and Wazuh App on the target instance. Detailed information on the wazuh-kibana role and role variables can be found here.

Ansible Role: wazuh-ansible

We are using Galaxy which provides pre-packaged units of work known to Ansible as roles and collections. Content from roles and collections of the wazuh-ansible are referenced in oci-rsa-ansible-wazuh-kibana. This playbook installs and configures Wazuh agent and manager.

Ansible Role: oci-rsa-ansible-base

Installs base packages and sets configuration for general security, monitoring, and auditing purposes. More information on the oci-rsa-ansible-base can be found here.



A list of other roles hosted on Galaxy:

  • wazuh-ansible: These playbooks install and configure Wazuh agent, manager and Elastic Stack

A list of other roles hosted on Github:

  • oci-rsa-ansible-base: Installs base packages and sets configuration for general security, monitoring, and auditing purposes.


  • main branch contains the latest code.


There are multiple ways to run Ansible playbook, but for our project we choose to pull down the bundled playbook from the OCI Object Storage bucket and then run the following command to configure each of the hosts locally.

ansible-playbook -i localhost, $OCI_RSA_BASE/${playbook_name}/main.yml --connection=local

An extra_variables.yml file is required to set the variables below. Here, the OpenDistro elasticsearch admin password, OpenDistro Kibana password and Wazuh password can be set by the user.

opendistro_kibana_password: "${}"
opendistro_admin_password: "${}"
wazuh_password: "${}"

This is a wrapper which configures the Wazuh cluster. To deploy the infrastructure and configure the cluster on instance nodes, our team recommends a specific workflow. Detailed explanation of the recommended workflow can be found here.


The Team

This repository was developed by the Oracle OCI Regulatory Solutions and Automation (RSA) team.

How to Contribute

Interested in contributing? See our contribution guidelines for details.


This repository and its contents are licensed under UPL 1.0.