
Use fMRI orientation/contrast dataset to make points about RSA best practices - https://doi.org/10.1523/JNEUROSCI.2453-17.2017

MIT LicenseMIT

RSA of Liu, Cable & Gardner (2018, J Neurosci)

The aim of this datalad/git annex repo is to illustrate perhaps surprising properties of representational similarity analysis (RSA).

How this repo was created

Because I will forget next time I do this.

mkdir contrast_orientation
cd !$
datalad create
git annex addurl --file BOLD_data_cinvor.zip https://osf.io/vpzgq/download
datalad run unzip BOLD_data_cinvor.zip -d ./ -x *.DS_Store* -x *__MACOSX*
git rm BOLD_data_cinvor.zip
