
iCall is a video-call application using NodeJS, PeerJS and SocketIO. With this application it will be possible to video-chat with other users around the world. Also, it makes use of the CatFacts API, which tells a randomized cat fact to the videoroom. The user authentication is build with Auth0.

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

📹 iCall video platform

✏️ Description

iCall is a multi-user video platform where you can connect with your friends, based on a WebRTC connection. The app makes it possible to have a video connection, chat functionality, and a command to send random Cat Facts using the catfacts API. The app will be made with NodeJS, Express, Express-Handlebars, Socket.io and PeerJS. Check out my NPM Packages to see which other packages I've used.

Mockup of iCall video chat on iPad size

🚀 Live view:

You can visit the project iCall application here

✏️ Concepts

Location based volume

Location based volume

Location based rooms (map)

Location based rooms (map)

Trending Twitter hashtags

Trending Twitter hashtags

Video platform with Cat Facts

Videochat with Cat Facts

Chosen Concept

The concept I chose to develop is the video platform in combination with the CatFacts API.

💹 Data Flow Diagram

Data flow Diagram


The API I will use for this application is the CatFacts API. I chose this API to keep the application funnier. The response returned by the API is an array with 5 different results. Based on a random index number, a random fact is retrieved.

For this CatFacts API you don't need to obtain an API key. By just fetching the correct link you will get a response in your code.

Fetch the API data
// Utils/fetch.js
const fetcher = async (endpoint) => {
  const data = await fetch(endpoint)
  const response = await data.json()
  return response

// Utils/socket.js
async function getRandomCatFact() {
  const response = await fetcher('https://cat-fact.herokuapp.com/facts')
  const num = Math.floor(Math.random() * 5) + 1
  const catFact = {
    message: `${response[num].text}`,
    user: 'CatFacts',
  return catFact
    status: { verified: true, sentCount: 1 },
    type: 'cat',
    deleted: false,
    _id: '58e007cc0aac31001185ecf5',
    user: '58e007480aac31001185ecef',
    text: 'Cats are the most popular pet in the United States: There are 88 million pet cats and 74 million dogs.',
    __v: 0,
    source: 'user',
    updatedAt: '2020-08-23T20:20:01.611Z',
    createdAt: '2018-03-01T21:20:02.713Z',
    used: false

🚀 Features

Service features

  • Communicate based on webcam view and audio
  • Chat functionality
  • Register/Login authentication with Google
  • Inviting users to conference room

API Features

  • Randomnized Cat Facts

☑️ Wishlist

Below is a list of features I'd love to add my videocall platform. The features are split up using the MoSCoW method.

MMust Have

  • Video connection with webcam
  • Video connection with audio
  • Have seperated rooms
  • Connect with CatFacts API
  • Chat function with usernames
  • Text command for API

SShould Have

  • Add styling
  • Possible to stop webcam sharing
  • Possible to stop audio sharing
  • Invite users
  • End call button
  • Smooth transitions
  • Disconnecting feedback

CCould Have

  • Add User Authentication
  • Homepage of the product/service
  • Smaller video views, clickable to expand

WWould Have

  • User accounts with database
  • Video call history
  • List of current participants
  • Screensharing

📦 NPM Packages

💻 Installation

Clone the repository

  git clone https://github.com/joordy/real-time-web-2021.git

Navigate to the repository and install the packages

  npm install

Start local dev environment

  npm run dev

Build export for deployment

  npm run build

🔍 Sources

🔐 License

This is a repository which is licensed as MIT. Developed by Jordy Fronik ©️ 2021.