- 6
tmux support
#118 opened by wpalace - 0
Custom color for cell numbers and markdown links
#122 opened by amanjitsk - 1
Any example to show pdf in europie?
#121 opened by qlibp - 0
File not saved if parent folder does not exist
#120 opened by joouha - 5
Improve the speed
#81 opened by wybert - 4
- 2
Latex printing from sympy shows `\displaystyle` and doesn't print using graphics
#106 opened by IndianBoy42 - 2
- 3
- 1
Write unsaved changes to "swap" file.
#117 opened by luisbc92 - 2
markdonw-it-py version conflict
#114 opened by konosubakonoakua - 0
Love this but it's not working
#116 opened by pbower - 4
Some unrecognized characters
#91 opened by arhowe00 - 1
Euporie crashes upon loading notebook
#111 opened by fonnesbeck - 2
- 3
Scrolling through outputs with keyboard?
#109 opened by macromogic - 0
Custom keybindings for `euporie.notebook.tabs.notebook.Notebook` are not detected
#107 opened by matheusfillipe - 1
Graphics rendering bugs
#105 opened by kalocsaibotond - 2
Autoformat is not working
#104 opened by danielcs88 - 2
- 7
Unable to display Latex on foot terminal
#101 opened by MightyPlaza - 9
Doesn't start
#97 opened by raffaem - 3
Installation issues
#94 opened by datacubeR - 5
No Kernels Found Error
#89 opened by Ha5hBr0wn - 4
Update dependencies for JupyterLab 4
#88 opened by onlythisnamewasfree - 2
installing missing binaries
#80 opened by nkh - 3
render error on matplotlib plots
#72 opened by remifan - 1
Error in console
#99 opened by joouha - 1
Running `^[` in the console prints a `KeyError`
#98 opened by joouha - 3
Non-default color schemes obscure terminal graphics (e.g., Matplotlib plots) in Notebook
#96 opened by zharmany - 5
some newbie questions
#90 opened by vinniec - 2
Wrap text around
#86 opened by 875d - 2
- 1
Hover widget displays filenames twice
#93 opened by arhowe00 - 8
Kernel died before replying to kernel_info
#75 opened by librarianmage - 5
Feature request: Plotly support
#87 opened by fecet - 3
- 8
Menu access in kitty
#83 opened by raffaem - 3
- 2
Bug: KeyError: 'log_file'
#70 opened by cgahr - 3
#82 opened by raffaem - 5
Euporie Notebook freezes when typing `df[`
#79 opened by danielcs88 - 5
- 0
Euporie Notebook freezes when typing `df[`
#78 opened by danielcs88 - 2
Inconsistency of `typing-extensions` and `platformdirs` in the dependencies
#76 opened by jan-janssen - 2
- 2
How to connect notebook to kernel
#73 opened by ilia4bit - 3
- 7
- 2