
This repo contains ROS nodes that implement a relative Monte-Carlo multi-robot localization method by fusing UWB range measurements with odometry estimations and cooperative spatial detections.

Primary LanguageJupyter NotebookMIT LicenseMIT

Fusing Odometry, UWB Ranging, and Spatial Detections for Relative Multi-Robot Localization

This repo contains code for refine the Ultral-Wideband ranging with the detected spatial information of an object seen by multiple robots at the same time.

If you find the code or data in this repository useful in your research, the related paper is available in our website:

    title="Loosely Coupled Odometry, {UWB} Ranging, and Cooperative Spatial Detection for Relative Monte-Carlo Multi-Robot Localization", 
    author="Xianjia Yu and  Paola Torrico Mor\'on and  Sahar Salimpour and Jorge {Pe\~na Queralta} and Tomi Westerlund", 


  1. ROS 2 galactic
    Install ros2 galactic following the instruction here

  2. Eclipse Zenoh
    Add Eclipse Zenoh private repository to the sources list:

     echo "deb [trusted=yes] https://download.eclipse.org/zenoh/debian-repo/ /" | sudo tee -a /etc/apt/sources.list > /dev/null
     sudo apt update

    Then either:
    install the plugin with: sudo apt install zenoh-plugin-dds.
    install the standalone executable with: sudo apt install zenoh-bridge-dds.

  3. depthai_ros_msgs

     sudo apt install ros-foxy-depthai-ros-msgs
  4. Others

     pip install numpy matplotlib pfilter

How to run

Please see below for instructions on running the proposed algorithms with predefined data.

Proposed Particle Filter Approach

Currently, if you only want to run one round of each filter. For multiple robots,

python3 pf_ros2_multi_ulv.py --fuse_group 0 --with_model False 

Arguments meaning(currently not used):

  0: only uwb
  1: uwb and vision

--with_model False  # enable the LSTM ranging error estimation

For single UWB range.

pf_ros2_single_ulv.py --fuse_group 0 --with_model False

After running this code, the images of particles will be saved in


The groudtruth and estimated relative pose will be in


The errors will be in



python3 tri_ros2_ul.py --with_model False

Results visualization

currently mainly run the code in


Single UWB range

APE Trajectory

Multiple UWB ranges



Single UWB range

APE Trajectory

Multiple UWB ranges




This research work is supported by the Academy of Finland’s AeroPolis project (Grant No. 348480), and by the R3Swarms project funded by the Secure Systems Research Center (SSRC), Technology Innovation Institute (TII).

To Do List

  • Change the results in Readme
  • Add the paper abstract and Arkiv link
  • A None ROS version