Re-doing Steve's rails authentication from scratch tutorial:

My first time through, I recorded all of my notes here:

second time through, I got sidetracked, but it had some good detours:

For practice, I'm planning deviating from the tutorial in small ways and large, to reinforce my mental models of how it's all working.

Sigh... this is copy-pasted from a failed attempt. I tried to do fancy stuff with the data models, and didn't get it quite right, botched some migrations, and it'll take me longer to unbreak it than it would to just generate another app from scratch.

For example, --css=tailwind didn't work. why? I don't know.

Here we go, again:

step 0:

$ gem update rails 
=> 7.0.2
$ which ruby
=> 3.0.1

$ gem install bundler:2.2.17
rails _7.0.2_ new rails-auth-from-scratch-03 -d postgresql -css tailwind

Step 0.1: Install tailwind for real?

From the tailwind docs:

./bin/bundle add tailwindcss-rails
./bin/rails tailwindcss:install

Boot the app now with:


Step 1: Build User Model

rails g model User email:string nickname:string first_name:string last_name:string avatar:string

Add faker and pry-rails gems, index users on email

b rails g scaffold BookQuote quote:string book_title:string user:references

Add a has_many to our User model. Here's what I've got in my seeds file:

# db/seeds.rb
5.times do
    first_name: Faker::Name.first_name,
    last_name: Faker::Name.last_name,
    avatar: Faker::Avatar.image(size: "50x50", format: "jpg"),
    # password_digest: "password"

100.times do 
  quote = Faker::Movie.quote
  book_title = Faker::Book.title
  submitted_by = User.order("RANDOM()").first
  BookQuote.create(quote: quote, book_title: book_title, user: submitted_by)
rails db:setup
rails db:seed

In routes.rb, set root to: 'book_quotes#index'

And now fire up your rails server and visit http://localhost:3000/

Sweet, sweet Tailwind, along with "good enough" seed data.

OK, added a navbar via Tailwind, which I worked on originally here:

There's lots more notes there, but this was mostly a copy-paste job. I would like to practice re-building from scratch. I think it'll be worth it, but I'll do that after I re-do at least the first half of the auth tutorial.

Step 2: add confirmed_at and password_digest columns

> rails g migration add_confirmed_at_and_password_columns_to_users confirmed_at:datetime password_digest:string

To run the migrations, you've got to delete all users, which means you'll have to delete all the book quotes that depend upon them. Fire up the rails console:


uh, don't do that in a prod-like environment, duh.

Step 3 create signup pages

$ rails g controller Users create new

Here's what we've got, end of step 3:

it works

Step 4: create confirmation pages

I'll pick up here next time. I'm liking how this whole tutorial is taking shape.


Going to take a detour (and make a branch! How fancy! you should do the same) to explore a feature that will look like so, in my mind/map:

  • figure out how to use Trix editor (right? That's Basecamp's WYSIWYG editor) and tailwind for "longblob" text content
  • attach longblob to existing BookQuote model
  • stash this all on a separate branch until it's working. avoid commiting this actual file ( to the other branch, else the sequential/iterative flow of the document might get a bit muddled.
  • Create a new MobilityImprovementIdea scaffold, where my primary 'acceptance criteria' is that there's a little map that lets me store it with a pin on a map.
  • on an index page render a page with all pins are rendered on a map somehow. I'd prefer leaflet or mapbox?

these might all happen on separate days/sessions.

OK, got #1 up

$ hub browse --issues

opens the issues page.

ran rails action_text:install, via

VIPS stuff. Please see the comment I left on this particular issue.

Might need to add gem install image_processing to my Gemfile.

Taking so much time...


NoMethodError (undefined method `create' for ActionDispatch::Response:Class):

The next day. Phew. I think i installed that library. I did gem install worked, all the code is up and running.


$ gem install ruby-vips
$ export DISABLE_SPRING=true

I lost track of what I was doing, decided to throw the branch away and go from scratch again, and it's worth it. I saw this in the logs:

Ensure image_processing gem has been enabled so image uploads will work (remember to bundle!)

Lets do that

gem install image_processing, bundle install, etc:


let's run bin/dev again, see what we get.

Hm, had to unbreak migrations problems. I'd run these migrations on a different branch, so the tables existed, was causing errors. Fixed with:

unless table_exists?(:table_name)
  create_table :table_name, id: primary_key_time do |t|

Everything looks good. I've got ActionText installed and the DB/server ready for it, but I've not (this time around) modified the view to display the trix editor.


Let's update the view. Should be a one-liner?

 --git a/app/views/book_quotes/_form.html.erb b/app/views/book_quotes/_form.html.erb
index 1772724..7576289 100644
--- a/app/views/book_quotes/_form.html.erb
+++ b/app/views/book_quotes/_form.html.erb
@@ -13,7 +13,7 @@

   <div class="my-5">
     <%= form.label :quote %>
-    <%= form.text_field :quote, class: "block shadow rounded-md border border-gray-200 outline-none px-3 py-2 mt-2 w-full" %>
+    <%= form.rich_text_area :quote, class: "block shadow rounded-md border border-gray-200 outline-none px-3 py-2 mt-2 w-full" %>

   <div class="my-5">

That might be hard to read. I just changed form.text_field to form.rich_text_area. Whoa.

the change

So cool. It even saves correctly, but doesn't get rendered quite right.

Now when I save it, though, It renders nooooot quite right:

not right

I want to render this quote now in the way it looks in trix, like this:

eh, it's not realllllly working quite right, maybe? I have not used it enough to know. Images deff don't work quite right, though they work in the editor:



Blarg, burnt too much time with Trix, I don't care that much (yet) about the text field options, so I'm going to pick up a different thread for now.

I want to do things with "maps" in Rails. I've got a specific target endpoint, but for now, I'm going to see if I can do, in this session, at least a few things, more or less in this order:

  1. Get a 'leaflet' map embedded on book_quotes#index
  2. get the same map that I have on embedded on book_quotes#index
  3. Add an IP address to each book quote, bound to a certain area, render pins on book_quotes#index

First piece was easy. Lets make the actual runs show up now.


Spent a little more time on this.

This morning, I managed to refresh my broken authentication stuff w/the Strava API (and w/Oauth):

big progress. Getting lines rendered in rails. But really, really struggling to pass them in from the view.

I'd hoped to mock up something quick-and-dirty with hardcoding an instance variable from the controller, but having a bitch of a time getting it visible to the JS function in the view.

I'm not the only one. How is this not a better-discussed problem? I basically cannot get a well-encoded polyline from the controller to the view. In my script tags, i have to do a weird view thing:

var runPolyLines = <%= @runs %>

but what gets written to the @runs ivar in the controller:


it even looks fine when I did a "test" render to the view:


But when you inspect the HTML, you'll see that there's a lot of escaping going on.

That escaping is causing the javascript to blow up. Sigh. Here's my javascript:

<!-- app/views/strava_runs/index.html.erb -->
<script type="text/javascript">
        var polyLines = <%= @runs %>

This causes an error:

Uncaught SyntaxError: expected expression, got '&'

And when I inspect the Javascript manifest, I see:


Sigh. Something related to html_safe, I think. I've tried a lot of stupid debugging tricks, no dice.

Any ideas?

Here's what DOES work:

<script type="text/javascript">
  var map ='map').setView([39.748733, -105.220105], 13);
      'http://{s}{z}/{x}/{y}.png', {
          maxZoom: 18,
      var polyLines = [

  for (var i = 0; i < polyLines.length; i++) {
  for (let encoded of polyLines ) {
    var coordinates = L.Polyline.fromEncoded(encoded).getLatLngs();

            color: 'blue',
            weight: 3,
            opacity: .7,
            lineJoin: 'round'



I want to be able to have a list of Polylines generated in the controller available to my javascript in my view page, so I can modify the Leaflet map. I thought this would be easy, but it's been surprisingly difficult.

Do you know how to do this? How to get polylines from a controller into a javascript function, so I can iterate through each one of them?

Remember, this JS works:

var polyLines = [ "kyua@", "mqsqF" ]
for (var i = 0; i < polyLines.length; i++) {

but this is what I'm getting in the actual HTML of the page:

var polyLines = [&quot;kyua@&quot;, &quot;mqsqF&quot; ]
for (var i = 0; i < polyLines.length; i++) {

I'll look up one-off JS files that might pair with views. How would you do this? Any suggestions?

Here's some of the resources I have read, and tested as well as I could various implementations of these fixes:

ugh, too many to copy-paste. I feel so dumb:

i feel dumb

Lastly, I'm going to try to read out the data from the CSV

To Explore later


I noticed a slew of DB calls (printed in the logs) when I swapped book_quote.user_id to book_quote.user.first_name and loaded the home page.

In app/views/book_quotes/_book_quote.html.erb, the scaffold generated:

<p class="my-5">
  <strong class="block font-medium mb-1">User:</strong>
  <%= book_quote.user_id %>

Which just prints out integers. Not great. When I change to:

<p class="my-5">
  <strong class="block font-medium mb-1">User:</strong>
  <%= book_quote.user.first_name %>

This kicks off a ton of DB calls. (An n+1, technically)

Question: What's the quickets way to fix this?

Answer: Here's what we have:

# book_quotes_controller.rb
# GET /book_quotes or /book_quotes.json
def index
  @book_quotes = BookQuote.all

When we change it to the following, it becomes a single query again:

# GET /book_quotes or /book_quotes.json
def index
  @book_quotes = BookQuote.all.includes(:user)

Actually sending email in production

##e## Making habit of github issues linked to PRs? Might help with commit tracing?

rails db:migrate:status

I'm doing more with lots of migrations. Up, down, change, etc.

rails db:migrate failing with:


The fix:, I did this solution:

Check the commits: 006143eee21850e3439ed8c1a239593a4d0c0d47