Example application using admin-bro
You can check out current version at:
https://admin-bro-example-app.herokuapp.com/admin login: test@example.com password: password
To run the demo localy you have to have installed:
- mongodb
- postgresql
Also in ENV you have to have following entries:
- PORT - default to 8080
- POSTGRES_PORT - default to 5432
- POSTGRES_DATABASE - default to 'database_development'
- POSTGRES_HOST - default to 'postgres'
First install all dependencies
yarn install
Make sure you have all env variables set up (read previous paragraph).
Then create postgres database and run migrations:
yarn run sequelize db:create
yarn run sequelize db:migrate
In the end you can launch the app
yarn start
The best way of developing the app is to do this via https://github.com/SoftwareBrothers/admin-bro-dev.
AdminBro is Copyright © 2018 SoftwareBrothers.co. It is free software, and may be redistributed under the terms specified in the LICENSE file.
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