An OpenSeadragon plugin that adds canvas overlay capability and supports multi-images.
Compatible with OpenSeadragon 2.2.0 or greater.
To add a canvas overlay to your OpenSeadragon Viewer, create a new OpenSeadragon.CanvasOverlayHd
instance, passing the OpenSeadragon viewer and configuration options.
Configuration options are:
- callback function that does the actual drawing
(default as true): clear canvas before redrawing.
For example:
const tileSource = {
Image: {
xmlns: '',
Url: '',
Format: 'jpg',
Overlap: '2',
TileSize: '256',
Size: {
Height: '9221',
Width: '7026',
const viewer = new OpenSeadragon({
collectionMode: true,
collectionRows: 2,
tileSources: [
{ tileSource: tileSource },
{ tileSource: tileSource },
{ tileSource: tileSource },
{ tileSource: tileSource }]
const colors = ['#a6cee3', '#1f78b4', '#b2df8a', '#33a02c'];
const overlay = new OpenSeadragon.CanvasOverlayHd(viewer, {
onRedraw: function (opts) {
const context = opts.context;
context.fillStyle = colors[opts.index];
context.arc(150, 150, 150, 0, Math.PI * 2, true);