
Character creator for the collaborative storytelling game Exalted.

Primary LanguagePython

Lightbringer Exalted is a fan project of Newline Gaming llc. for the Exalted RPG.

Lightbringer character creation rules are developed by Jye Nicolson (mengtzu) from http://forum.rpg.net/showthread.php?608889-Exalted-The-Lightbringers-Alternate-Solar-Creation-Advancement.

Exalted is property of White Wolf/CCP.

The contents of the LightbringerExalted project are released under the Apache Open Source license.

Icons from the Noun Project: Compass Rose by Proletkult Graphik from The Noun Project

Installation instructions: Install pip from http://pip.readthedocs.org/en/latest/installing.html Then in a terminal: pip install django pip install django-floppyforms pip install django-crispy-forms pip install django-extras pip install django-debug-toolbar pip install south

Change directories to the Lightbringer root and run with: python manage.py runserver