
GUI application to add measurement noise on given odom, imu measurement trajectories

Primary LanguagePython



Bag1, Bag2, Bag3 are meaningless. They were hardcoded for ease of work and can be changed in gui/main.py In my case they looked like this:


GUI create several noised paths from one path(i.e. add noise to odom topics)

git clone https://gitlab.iavgroup.local/mzhobro/ros_noisifier.git
cd ros_noisifier
# run with
python gui/main.py

Firstly choose the bag, nr of noised paths and topic you want to noisify:

Than dynamically add noise to the paths

This is a demonstration of how to use PyQt with ROS


Make sure to have the following installed

  • PyQt 5
  • PyQt 5 Designer
  • PyQt 5 dev tools

Editing the layout

To edit the interface, open layout.ui in for example Qt 5 Designer:

/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/qt5/bin/designer layout.ui

Once all the changes are saved, run the following command

pyuic5 -x layout.ui -o layout.py

This will auto-generate all interface elements in Python code. The class it creates, Ui_MainWindow , is then imported and inherited by the main class in main.py

Launching the code

Simply run main.py. All the logic happens in that file.

python main.py