
Primary LanguageC++Apache License 2.0Apache-2.0


This repository contains the material for the Hackathon of the REMARO summer school 2023 (Oslo).

The history

Oslo is under siege!!! Bombs attacks are taking place in four different city locations: a factory, a bookstore, a hospital, and the Prime Minister's house.

oslo_1 drawio

The attendees of this Hackathon must develop the behavior of the Tiago robot to deactivate the bombs in these scenarios. Fortunately, we have the deactivation codes. If Tiago gets the code wrong or his countdown reaches 0, the bomb will explode.

Fortunately, the bombs have been programmed in ROS 2 using the Wi-Fi of each location, and the robot can enter the network and send the deactivation code to each bomb, as long as it is within 3 meters of the bomb.

The Tiago robot has a bomb detector that indicates the distance to the bomb and its countdown (computer magic). At less than 10 meters, the robot can know the bomb's exact position, not just its distance.

Only you, your robot, and your knowledge of ROS 2 can save the City. Good Luck!!!.

Installation and Environment Setup

Install prerequisites to run with docker

  • Install docker on your machine. You can find instructions here
  • Allow non-root users to manage docker. Instructions here
  • Install VSCode. Instructions here
  • Install nvidia-docker(only needed if you have a nvidia GPU)

Download and run the image with ROS 2, VSCode, and Simulation

  1. The first time, download and run the image by typing:

docker run -p 6080:80 --privileged --name hackathon -d jmguerreroh/hackathon:humble

  1. Check the status, when it appears as healthy, it means that the docker is running successfully

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  1. Now open your browser and connect to: localhost:6080
    • Inside the docker, we can find a workspace: ros2_ws
    • It contains all packages necessary to launch the simulation of the Tiago robot and its navigation
    • Inside this package, we can find a config file: config/params.yaml to change the scenario, robot position, and arm

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  1. To start the robot simulation:
ros2 launch tiago_simulator simulation.launch.py

Check that outside from docker, in your host, you can see the topics:

ros2 topic list

If you are in the scenario_maps worlds (hospital, warehouse, house, or bookstore), you can launch navigation by:

ros2 launch tiago_simulator navigation.launch.py
  1. If you want to stop the docker, type this outside from docker:
docker stop hackathon
  1. If you want to start the docker:
docker start hackathon

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Clone and build this repo

It is recommended (but not mandatory) that you develop your robot's code outside of the docker. Assuming that you have a workspace in ~/hackathon_ws, type:

cd ~/hackathon_ws/src
git clone https://github.com/fmrico/hackathon_oslo.git
vcs import . < hackathon_oslo/thirdparty.repos
rosdep install --from-paths src --ignore-src -y

and then build:

colcon build --symlink-install

The bombs

The bombs are of the latest generation (they use ROS 2), and can be shown in RViz2 when they are activated, exploded, and deactivated.

oslo_2 drawio

Bombs are ROS 2 nodes that can be accessed via several topics:

  • /bomb_detector [bombs_msgs/msg/BombDetection]: This topic contains the info of the sensor that the robot has to detect the distance and the countdown of each bomb
    uint8 ENABLED=0
    uint8 DISABLED=1
    uint8 EXPLODED=2

    string bomb_id
    float64 distance
    float32 countdown
    uint8 status
  • /bombs_operation [bombs_msgs/msg/OperateBomb]: Through this topic, the activation/deactivation code can be sent to a bomb.
uint8 ACTIVATE=0

uint8 operation
string bomb_id
string code

Activation/Deactivation Codes are loaded as parameters in the robot's code. They are different in each scenario. Example:

    bombs: ['bomb_0', 'bomb_1', 'bomb_2', 'bomb_3', 'bomb_4', 'bomb_5', 'bomb_6', 'bomb_7']
    codes: ['1234', '1111', '2143', '3214', '5656', '7532', '1926', '1145']

The deactivation code to be sent to the bomb is ${BOMB_ID}_${BOMB_CODE}. For example, for bomb_1, the deactivation code is bomb_1_1111.


Before going to the streets of Oslo to look for the bombs in real scenarios, we will do a training phase.