
Interface Abstraction for Motion Capture System APIs such as VICON or OptiTrack

Primary LanguageC++MIT LicenseMIT


Interface Abstraction for Motion Capture System APIs such as VICON, OptiTrack, PhaseSpace, or Qualisys.

Compile options

By default, libmotioncapture supports the following hardware:

  • VICON - SDK git submodule
  • Qualisys - SDK git submodule
  • OptiTrack - binary parsing over network (no dependency)

Support for following hardware requires additional action by the user:

  • VRPN - set up libvrpn or vrpn-client-ros on the machine.
  • Phasespace - manually obtain SDK and copy to externalDependencies/phasespace_sdk/.

After setup, enable the appropriate compile flags in CMakeLists.txt.