
VN200 ROS integration

Primary LanguageC++MIT LicenseMIT

VN ROS Integration

Latest Version License       Size

2020, GRVC Robotics Laboratory at the University of Seville.

VN-200 ROS integration.


Name Description Message type
/vn/imu IMU (orientation, angular velocity, linear acceleration) sensor_msgs::Imu
/vn/mag Magnetometer sensor_msgs::MagneticField
/vn/gps_time GPS time reference sensor_msgs::TimeReference
/vn/pos_lla GPS longitude, latitude and altitude sensor_msgs::NavSatFix
/vn/pos_ecef GPS ECEF position geometry_msgs::Vector3Stamped
/vn/vel_body Body frame velocity geometry_msgs::Vector3Stamped
/vn/acc_body Body frame acceleration geometry_msgs::Vector3Stamped