- 0
- 17
Improve libpython search
#75 opened by devinrsmith - 0
The cleanup logic around org.jpy.PyObject is outdated now due to changes to improve concurrency and parallelization.
#177 opened by jmao-denver - 1
Question: Is "Beta" tag intentional?
#174 opened by vyadh - 0
ENH: Support free-threaded python build
#163 opened by jmao-denver - 0
ENH: Simplify CI build by using cibuildwheel for both regular and free-threaded versions.
#173 opened by jmao-denver - 0
Update OS X build runner away from `macos-12`
#170 opened by devinrsmith - 4
Mac M1 support for jpy
#65 opened by kunalgoyal98 - 0
Move the test dependency away from setuptools as it is aimed to be a build tool only.
#160 opened by jmao-denver - 3
- 1
get_type ordering crash
#142 opened by devinrsmith - 1
SIGSEGV when using `asyncio` and `yfinance`
#148 opened by jjbrosnan - 0
Large arrays create incorrect buffers
#143 opened by chipkent - 7
Add conda-forge pacakge
#92 opened by IslamAlam - 1
Produce M1-compatible wheels in CI
#110 opened by devinrsmith - 0
Add the ability to create Java DirectByteBuffer from Python objects that support the Buffer Protocol
#111 opened by jmao-denver - 0
Make the life-cycle management of byte_buffer()'s result (a Java DirectByteBuffer instance) safe and transparent.
#126 opened by jmao-denver - 11
installing today
#124 opened by mczakk - 1
Jpy will not build on Mac OSX if the installed JDK has a `libexec` directory and not a `lib` directory
#118 opened by chipkent - 1
Python 3.12 support
#115 opened by devinrsmith - 0
Remove macOS 11 (Big Sur) support
#122 opened by devinrsmith - 0
- 1
Add __version__ to `jpy`
#116 opened by chipkent - 0
- 5
JAVA_HOME error while packaging for openSUSE
#106 opened by johanneskastl - 0
PyDictWrapper.values() incorrectly close the underlying PyObject while it is still referenced.
#104 opened by jmao-denver - 7
jpy destroy_jvm freezes
#103 opened by makovez - 2
jpy-0.13.0.jar empty ?
#102 opened by edu-de - 2
Virtual environment in Windows 10
#101 opened by lucianolorenti - 1
Uncaught exception in PyObject getIntValue() showes up in the next PyListWrapper.size() call
#98 opened by jmao-denver - 2
error when running the program
#100 opened by USAMAWIZARD - 2
jpy does not work with `JAVA_HOME` set via jenv
#86 opened by chipkent - 9
Unsatisfied Link Error
#97 opened by hadfield - 4
Publish python 3.11 wheels
#93 opened by devinrsmith - 4
Support Python 3.11
#95 opened by devinrsmith - 0
Expose cpython global configuration options
#91 opened by devinrsmith - 0
Add java home via java process logic into jpy
#90 opened by devinrsmith - 0
- 1
Clarify and/or fix methodCall argument
#87 opened by devinrsmith - 0
Jpy should be able to create zero-sized arrays
#84 opened by niloc132 - 0
Produce usable / distributable macosx wheels
#79 opened by devinrsmith - 2
- 2
Documentation for consuming published wheels
#81 opened by devinrsmith - 4
- 1
- 16
Status of JSR223 support
#66 opened by fabrice-ducos - 2
- 4
Does jpy available in maven central repository?
#15 opened by abhikt48 - 0
Multiple Python instances per JVM
#74 opened by kunalgoyal98 - 5
JPY 0.9.0 Does not Compile
#47 opened by ashesfall