
Bioinformatic toolkit for Symbiodinium ITS2 sequence data

Primary LanguageShell



This is a collection of scripts for bioinformatic analysis of Symbiodinium ITS2 data. To utilize these scripts, you will need to have working installations of qiime, GNU parallel, blast (>2.2.31), R, gawk (can be downloaded on Linux machines via 'sudo apt install gawk'), and the R packages Biostrings, phyloseq, stringr, and reshape2).


  • fetch_seqs.sh
    This script downloads sequence data from NCBI given a list of named sequences with accession numbers (e.g., >C1_AF333515)
  • prep_ITS2db.sh
    This script takes downloaded Symbiodinium sequence data and prepares an ITS2 reference database by 1) trimming primers (using cutadapt), 2) separating by clade, aligning (using muscle, and trimming sequences to equal length (using oligotyping), 3) dereplicating (using usearch).
  • merge_reads.sh
    This script parallelizes illumina-utils software to merge paired Illumina reads (.fastq)
  • qc_trim_reads.sh
    This script adds QIIME labels, removes chimeric sequences, and trims primer sequences using cutadapt.
  • otus_97.sh
    This script 1) clusters the entire sequence dataset at 97% similarity implemented in QIIME using uclust, 2) removes singletons, 3) picks the most abundant sequence variants as the representative set, and 4) generates .biom and .tsv OTU tables.
  • otus_100.sh
    This script 1) clusters the entire sequence dataset at 100% similarity implemented in QIIME using uclust, 2) removes singletons, 3) picks the most abundant sequence variants as the representative set, and 4) generates .biom and .tsv OTU tables.
  • otus_97_bysample.sh
    This script 1) clusters the sequences from each sample independently at 97% similarity in parallel, 2) picks the most abundant sequence variants as the representative set, 3) merges OTUs that are 100% identical across samples, 4) removes singletons, and 5) generates .biom and .tsv OTU tables.
  • run_nw.R
    This script takes two command line arguments (query sequences and reference sequences in .fasta format) and performs global aligment (in parallel) of each query against the reference database to identify the best match. The alignment score, percent similarity, and number of matches, mismatches, and indels are calculated for each query's best match, and the results are written to a .tsv file.
  • build_phyloseq.R
    This script takes five command line arguments (1: taxonomic assignment output from run_nw.R, 2: sample metadata, 3: OTU table, 4: duplicate reference taxa names, 5: output filename) and builds an R phyloseq object, saving as .RData file.
  • filter_notsym.R
    This script imports a phyloseq object, identifies OTUs whose best taxonomic assignment from the reference database was <90% similar, and BLASTs the corresponding sequences to the NCBI nt database (need to download local copy of NCBI nt database). If the top hit returned does not contain the string "Symbiodinium", then the OTU is assumed to not be Symbiodinium. A filtered phyloseq object without these OTUs is returned and saved as .RData file. takes three command line arguments (1: phyloseq object .RData, 2: rep set fasta file, 3: output filename, 4: path to local nt database).