Whole genome analysis of local Kenyan and global sequences unravels the epidemiological and molecular evolutionary dynamics of RSV genotype ON1 strains

This repository holds the data and analysis scripts used in:

Otieno JR, Kamau EM, Oketch JW, Ngoi JM, Gichuki AM, Binter Š, Otieno GP, Ngama M, Agoti CN, Cane PA, Kellam P, Cotten M, Lemey P, and Nokes DJ (2018). Whole genome analysis of local Kenyan and global sequences unravels the epidemiological and molecular evolutionary dynamics of RSV genotype ON1 strains.

Link to the paper: https://academic.oup.com/ve/article/4/2/vey027/5106641

Same data can be found in dataverse: https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/0CJXMA

Summary of datasets

  1. Kilifi_genomes

A set of 184 RSV-A genomes from Kilifi

  1. global_ON1_G_gene

A set of 1,166 global RSV-A G-gene sequences

  1. global_ON1_WGS

A set of 344 global RSV-A G-gene sequences

  1. local_variant_introductions

Estimation of the number virus introductions into Kilifi