- 0
Multiclass mask
#66 opened by dimka11 - 0
imantics 0.1.12 is bugged
#65 opened by SixK - 1
ETA for the v0.1.13 release?
#42 opened by fcakyon - 0
- 0
COCO export is very memory inefficient.
#63 opened by jrdalenberg - 0
Convert Single mask image to polygon
#61 opened by sctrueew - 4
Handling large datasets
#18 opened by EtienneDavid - 0
Add type hints and add py.typed marker
#60 opened by pietermarsman - 0
Is it possible to delete entries below threshold in class imantics annotation polygons?
#59 opened by binaryannamolly - 2
- 0
Bug in assert when creating annotations
#54 opened by george-gca - 0
- 0
Bug when exporting category to coco format
#51 opened by george-gca - 0
Fix typo in flickr_url
#50 opened by george-gca - 0
Can imantics work with DeepLabv3 to get polygon coordinates for semantic segmentation?
#49 opened by archanabwk - 0
bug: polygon notation from mask
#48 opened by chrbrgst - 0
converting binary masks to coco format
#47 opened by AKMourato - 0
dataset.add() method do not work as expect
#46 opened by WangHuancheng - 0
- 2
- 3
Dataset.split doesn't return anything
#19 opened by tejashah88 - 4
- 5
- 2
Is it possible to smooth the mask polygons?
#35 opened by bpmsilva - 0
Handling occlusions
#34 opened by CMCDragonkai - 5
Dataset.add does not handle id
#24 opened by wuyuanyi135 - 4
syntax error while importing Mask
#32 opened by pratik-q - 1
Errors running example xml to coco
#27 opened by qianjiangcn - 1
- 2
Example coco is not reproducible.
#30 opened by ghamarian - 0
Dataset add relative path to an image
#23 opened by wuyuanyi135 - 3
BBox Properties are wrong
#22 opened by danielMicallef - 1
Add example tutorials in documentation
#21 opened by danielMicallef - 3
unable to load coco json file
#12 opened by rajendra2 - 2
voc format
#14 opened by EtienneDavid - 1
#13 opened by junliu-cn - 3
dataset.add error in python2.7
#10 opened by bokorn - 4
consider renaming Image class
#2 opened by waspinator - 6
Python 2.7 compatibility
#6 opened by jsbroks - 2
- 0
Split dataset function
#1 opened by jsbroks