Kanazawanaoaki opened this issue · 6 comments
pythonやcommon lispの例はあるみたいなのでそれらを参考にして作るか,使いたいyamlファイルの形式などがある程度決まっている場合は自分でparserを作るというのも有り得そうです.
As far as I know the closest thing we have to a yaml utility in euslisp is the rosparam interface.
You could try to couple set/get param with (unix:system "rosparam load/dump ...")
calls, or write a simple encoder /decoder and maybe add it to the euslib or roseus-utils.
Here is a start:
(defun alistp (alist)
(and (listp alist) (every #'consp alist)))
(defun format-alist (lst output-stream &optional (lvl 0))
(dolist (l lst)
(let ((name (car l))
(val (cdr l)))
(spaces (* 2 lvl) output-stream)
(format output-stream "~a: " name)
(if (alistp val)
(terpri output-stream)
(format-alist val output-stream (1+ lvl)))
(if (listp val)
(dolist (v val)
(terpri output-stream)
(spaces (* 2 (1+ lvl)) output-stream)
(format output-stream "- ~A" v))
(print val output-stream))))))
(defun dump-param (name output-stream)
(format-alist (acons name (ros::get-param name) nil) output-stream))
;; (dump-param "myparam" t)
Thank you very much.
I confirmed that I can load and dump yaml with known format from euslisp (to be exact, roseus?) that I wanted to do.
I feel that simple encoder/decoder can be implemented relatively easily if we use rosparam, so I'll think about it for a moment.
val1: 100
val2: 200
#!/usr/bin/env roseus
(ros::roseus "test")
(setq *val1* nil)
(setq *val2* nil)
(defun yaml-load (input-file)
(unix:system (format nil "rosparam load ~A yaml_load_eus" input-file))
(setq *val1* (ros::get-param "/yaml_load_eus/val1"))
(setq *val2* (ros::get-param "/yaml_load_eus/val2"))
(format t "~%load params from ~A ~%" input-file)
(format t " now val1 is ~A ~%" *val1*)
(format t " now val2 is ~A ~%" *val2*)
(defun yaml-dump (output-file)
(unix:system "rosparam delete /yaml_dump_eus")
(ros::set-param "/yaml_dump_eus/val1" *val1*)
(ros::set-param "/yaml_dump_eus/val2" *val2*)
(unix:system (format nil "rosparam dump ~A yaml_dump_eus" output-file))
(format t "~%dump params to ~A ~%" output-file)
(yaml-load "input.yaml")
(yaml-dump "output.yaml")
in command line
$ ls
from-yaml.l input.yaml
$ roseus from-yaml.l
load params from input.yaml
now val1 is 100.0
now val2 is 200.0
ERROR: parameter [/yaml_dump_eus] is not set
dump params to output.yaml
$ cat output.yaml
val1: 100.0
val2: 200.0
Using #710 , I created a program to read and write any yaml file in roseus by using the load and dump functions of rosparam.
(defun yaml-load (input-file)
(unix:system "rosparam delete /eus_yaml_load")
(unix:system (format nil "rosparam load ~A eus_yaml_load" input-file))
(setq *params* (ros::get-param "/eus_yaml_load"))
(unix:system "rosparam delete /eus_yaml_load")
(format t "~%load params from ~A~%" input-file)
(format t " now param is ~A ~%" *params*)
(defun yaml-dump (output-file)
(unix:system "rosparam delete /eus_yaml_dump")
(ros::set-param "/eus_yaml_dump" *params*)
(unix:system (format nil "rosparam dump ~A eus_yaml_dump" output-file))
(unix:system "rosparam delete /eus_yaml_dump")
(format t "~%dump params to ~A~%" output-file)
Is there a good way and need to add such functions to jsk_roseus?
Glad that you were able to read/ write yaml files as expected.
However, I am afraid that this still may be a little too 'hacky' to add to jsk_roseus...
That's right ...
I don't think it's something that can be added to jsk_roseus either.
Is it better to leave it as a sample program in this issue?
I have no idea how to add it to jsk_roseus as a feature.
I think it is ok to leave it as a sample program in this issue.