
CSCI 513 final project: A bar cleaning robot

Primary LanguagePython


The code in this repo controls the Human Support Robot (HSR) to execute the task of picking up all visible soda cans off of a table and placing them in a trash can. To simplify the problem, several assumptions were made:

  • The cans would be located on top of a single desk
  • The cans would all be upright
  • The size and location of the desk would be known ahead of time
  • The size and location of the trash can would be known ahead of time

This project was done as the final project of CSCI 513: Cyber Physical Systems.

Demo: alt text


First, follow HSR Development manual: https://docs.hsr.io/hsrc_user_manual_en/howto/pc_install.html#pc

Next, copy ros configs to /opt/ros/noetic/...:

# NOTE: First update `hsrb_gazebo_common.xml` L67 with the appropriate filepath (currently its `/home/jstm/Documents/csci513/butler-bot/rviz_configs/rviz_config.rviz`)
cp ros_configs/hsrb_gazebo_common.xml /opt/ros/noetic/share/hsrb_gazebo_launch/launch/include/

sudo cp ros_configs/butler_bot_world.world /opt/ros/noetic/share/tmc_gazebo_worlds/worlds/
sudo cp ros_configs/butler_bot_armarker_world.world /opt/ros/noetic/share/tmc_gazebo_worlds/worlds/

sudo cp ros_configs/hsrb_butler_bot_world.launch /opt/ros/noetic/share/hsrb_gazebo_launch/launch/
sudo cp ros_configs/hsrb_butler_bot_armarker_world.launch /opt/ros/noetic/share/hsrb_gazebo_launch/launch/

sudo cp -r gazebo_models/*/  /opt/ros/noetic/share/tmc_gazebo_worlds/models/


# Terminal 1:
roslaunch hsrb_gazebo_launch hsrb_butler_bot_world.launch
roslaunch hsrb_gazebo_launch hsrb_butler_bot_armarker_world.launch

# Terminal 2:
rostopic echo /clicked_point    # then 'Publish Point' in Rviz

# Terminal 3:
python3 main.py

Reference frames

  • cans/bottles: The reference frame of a can or bottle is attached to the bottom of the can/bottle in the center, with +z pointing up.