
Launch and configuration files for calibrating the PR2 using the robot_calibration package.

Primary LanguagePython


Package for calibrating the PR2 using the robot_calibration package.

Note: This package is experimental. It is based off the fetch_calibration package, with some small modifications. It was used to calibrate a PR2 robot using the 5x4 checkerboard from the PR2 accessories box.


  • Make sure you have clear space around the robot for it to move its arms
  • Run robot start
  • Run the Kinect, which should publish to /head_mount_kinect/depth_registered/points and /head_mount_kinect/depth_registered/camera_info
    • If the topics are different, modify capture_[left,right]_checkerboards.launch and capture_[left,right]_checkerboards.yaml as needed.
  • Grasp the checkerboard with the right gripper - For both arms, the gripper holds the checkerboard upright, with the LED facing inward, i.e., the right gripper's LED faces left and the left gripper's LED faces right.
  • roslaunch pr2_robot_calibration capture_right_checkerboards.launch
  • (Recommended) Make adjustments to robot.xml and then restart the robot - Release the checkerboard - Disable all breakers - Enable all breakers - robot start -f
  • Move the checkerboard to the left gripper
  • roslaunch pr2_robot_calibration capture_left_checkerboards.launch

In both cases, you should see the offsets you need to make to the robot.xml on your robot. We only calibrate the head/camera poses when calibrating the right arm. Then, we recommend restarting your robot with the new calibration and then doing a separate calibration for just the left arm joints.