
MIDI for Arduino

Primary LanguageC++MIT LicenseMIT

Arduino MIDI Library

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This library adds MIDI I/O communications to an Arduino board.


  • New : MIDI over USB, Bluetooth, IP & AppleMIDI (see Transports).
  • New : Active Sensing support
  • Compatible with all Arduino boards (and clones with an AVR processor).
  • Simple and fast way to send and receive every kind of MIDI message (including all System messages, SysEx, Clock, etc..).
  • OMNI input reading (read all channels).
  • Software Thru, with message filtering.
  • Callbacks to handle input messages more easily.
  • Last received message is saved until a new one arrives.
  • Configurable: overridable template-based settings.
  • Create more than one MIDI interface for mergers/splitters applications.
  • Use any serial port, hardware or software.

Getting Started

  1. Use the Arduino Library Manager to install the library. Type "MIDI" in the Arduino IDE Library Manager

  2. Start coding:

#include <MIDI.h>

// Create and bind the MIDI interface to the default hardware Serial port

void setup()
    MIDI.begin(MIDI_CHANNEL_OMNI);  // Listen to all incoming messages

void loop()
    // Send note 42 with velocity 127 on channel 1
    MIDI.sendNoteOn(42, 127, 1);

    // Read incoming messages
  1. Read the documentation or watch the awesome video tutorials from Notes & Volts.


USB Migration (4.x to 5.x)

All USB related code has been moved into a separate repository Arduino-USB-MIDI, USB MIDI Device support with MIDIUSB, still using this library to do all the MIDI heavy-lifting.

Migration has been made as easy as possible: only the declaration of the MIDI object has been modified, the rest of your code remains identical.

4.3.1 code:

#include <MIDI.h>
#include <midi_UsbTransport.h>

static const unsigned sUsbTransportBufferSize = 16;
typedef midi::UsbTransport<sUsbTransportBufferSize> UsbTransport;

UsbTransport sUsbTransport;

MIDI_CREATE_INSTANCE(UsbTransport, sUsbTransport, MIDI);

// ...

now becomes in 5.x:

#include <USB-MIDI.h>

// ...

Start with the NoteOnOffEverySec example that is based on the original MidiUSB sketch. Note the only difference is in the declaration.

The USB-MIDI Arduino library depends on this library and the MIDIUSB library.

USB-MIDI uses the latest Arduino IDE depends feature in the library.properties file installing all the dependencies automatically when installing from the IDE.

Other Transport mechanisms

Version 5 of this library, allows for other Transport layers than the original MIDI 1.0 Electrical Specification (hardware serial).

All these Transport layers use this library for all the underlying MIDI work, making it easy to switch transport protocols or making transport protocol bridges.

Differences between Serial & other transports

  • Software Thru is enabled by default on Serial, but not on other transports.


To report a bug, contribute, discuss on usage, or simply request support, please create an issue here.

You can also contact me on Twitter: @fortysevenfx.


Special thanks to all who have contributed to this open-source project !

You want to help ? Check out the contribution guidelines.


MIT © 2009 - present Francois Best