- 0
O: Monoid → Monoid[Write[I, O]]
#18 opened by stanch - 3
validation for circe
#77 opened by pjan - 1
Validating string as numbers
#79 opened by mycaule - 2
Validate XML : error on elem disapeared with Node
#76 opened by gbersac - 2
Upgrade Cats version
#75 opened by daniel-shuy - 2
Sequences stripping out duplicates
#73 opened by JoeSimmonds - 4
Flattening nested case class in JSON Writes
#20 opened by graphex - 0
Shapeless rules
#3 opened by stanch - 4
Update to Play 2.5
#46 opened by ottovw - 4
Implicit syntax is automatically added
#48 opened by julienrf - 11
- 1
- 1
- 4
- 2
ValidationErrors class?
#8 opened by stanch - 3
Is it possible to get a build for Scala 2.10.4?
#29 opened by graphex - 1
Why did you guys use Success/Failure rather than specific names like ValidationSuccess?
#45 opened by queirozfcom - 4
Single member case class writes
#21 opened by graphex - 1
Format type order
#15 opened by pauldijou - 1
Laziness when using Format.gen
#17 opened by pauldijou - 1
class ValidationError included in the jar
#10 opened by stanch - 4
Make it available as an ivy dependency
#6 opened by julienrf - 3