- 21
[Bug] Clash服务自动停止,运行一段时间后状态就变成了 "没有运行(Redir模式)"
#846 opened by woomartin - 1
#852 opened by txhtxh11 - 1
[Bug] 启动ShellCrash后连接ssh 2w以上的端口,不会走代理
#850 opened by testmailxixi - 2
[Bug] Clash服务自动停止,运行一段时间后状态就变成了 “没有运行(Redir模式)
#849 opened by SoldierBoy-1 - 1
#848 opened by FOXBALL-ONE - 3
- 1
[Bug] ax3600软固化ssh密码被还原为sn码计算密码
#844 opened by foreverlong - 8
[Feature] 1.9.1已绑定域名的局域网地址解析问题
#838 opened by Fuck996 - 0
[Bug] 配置校验无法识别使用单引号的 server
#835 opened by CYTMWIA - 7
[Bug] 1.9.1版本带来的奇怪延迟问题【初步判断是”ipv6-DNS解析“默认打开造成的】
#821 opened by Maozai-Teng - 2
[Feature] 在线生成服务器能否增加只用本地自建服务器
#833 opened by maxwelldong - 7
[Feature] 更新1.91版本后无法打开9999端口的ui界面
#841 opened by karaongithub - 1
[Bug] 1.9.1虚拟内存占用爆表
#843 opened by saury - 9
[Bug] ipv6测试不通过
#842 opened by 907739769 - 4
增加外部引用 分流规则ini
#840 opened by Become-ILLUSORY - 3
- 0
- 2
[Feature] 在线配置规则模板可否加入一些dustwin的规则...
#834 opened by seset - 1
[Feature] 是否可以开放在fake-ip模式下开启绕过大陆IP的功能
#820 opened by lvxj11 - 2
[Bug] CPU使用率百分百
#829 opened by SunMingZeIt - 6
[Feature] 希望可以将配置文件自动重命名后保存
#819 opened by github-h - 0
[Bug] 管理Fake-ip过滤列表达到10个后只能添加不能移除10及之后的地址
#816 opened by TonyLiooo - 2
[Bug] ipset v6.38: Error in line 1: Set cannot be created: set with the same name already exists
#832 opened by 907739769 - 3
[Bug] 1.9.1rc9 版本的 shellcrash.service 文件丢失
#807 opened by ALexei-Stukov - 5
[Bug] 打开绕过CN功能之后Cloudflare异常
#823 opened by gitcoinkuang - 2
[Bug]加密协议不支持启动报错 error: cipher not supported
#828 opened by sivenLee - 6
[Bug] 通过自定义规则,配置了REJECT,但是发现还是能访问
#827 opened by persiliao - 3
- 4
I只有一个字节, 为什么可以通过一个字节就可以判断大端还是小端?
#825 opened by huhu415 - 0
- 8
- 2
[Bug] 微信语音加载速度慢
#812 opened by repairer7 - 2
[Bug] 红米AX5400Pro电竞版,tun转发需要重启一次clash meta。并且有随机性自动停止问题
#815 opened by chsid - 1
[Feature] 希望更新配置文件时可以用内核更新
#818 opened by BANG404 - 4
[Feature] 命令支持切换节点
#824 opened by iamobj - 3
[Bug] 1.9.1rc9 虚拟机容器 网络劫持无效
#808 opened by dr-forget - 1
[Feature] 是否可以支持自定义分流策略或策略组
#814 opened by myoungself - 12
[Bug] crontab: can't change directory to '/opt/var/spool/cron/crontabs': No such file or directory
#813 opened by El1ter - 2
[Bug] MetaXD面板,规则页面没有数据。如果你也在使用管理面板,可以看看问题是否存在
#810 opened by AndyYuenOk - 2
[Feature]我不太懂,问的不合适,请别介意。 请问,如何进行用户的流量控制?
#798 opened by aomidata - 2
#800 opened by qq6510 - 4
[Bug] 不知哪里出错
#802 opened by suocean16 - 1
[Bug] 已切换到Meta。但是自动订阅并没有增加vless服务器
#803 opened by ccpaging - 3
[Bug] 我的路由器安装shellcrash后工作正常,但是只要一改变网络环境,比如拿去朋友家,就工作异常,内外网都失效,要卸载从装才能使用,有没有好的解决办法呢
#804 opened by ca972008 - 2
shellclash错误提示:To use xtls-rprx-vision, ensure your server is upgrade to Xray-core v1.8.0+,请问shellclash如何升级xray?
#806 opened by xd19861224 - 32
[Bug] immortalwrt 23.05 默认配置,开启白名单后路由器本身无法上网,外网也连不进来
#797 opened by bsdcpp - 1
#805 opened by xd19861224 - 4
[Bug] 关于sc和dockerd冲突的问题
#801 opened by bsdcpp - 1
- 0
[Feature] 能否增加服务端功能
#799 opened by wangyucst