data & pun enthusiast, TEDx speaker, language fanatic, tinkerer, spontaneous interviewer, photographer // primary interests: computer vision, NLP, conservation
Pinned Repositories
Package containing helper functions for loading and evaluating DAVIS
Hack Overflow project
Official code repository for "Using deep learning to identify the recurrent laryngeal nerve during thyroidectomy", Scientific Reports 2021.
Official code repository for "FlowVOS: Weakly-Supervised Visual Warping for Detail-Preserving and Temporally Consistent Single-Shot Video Object Segmentation", BMVC 2021.
[Built during technical internship at SAS Institute, May 2017 - Sep 2017] Interactive add-in builder using JMP Scripting Language that allows end JMP users to create custom JMP add-ins that execute R functions without writing JSL or R code.
Course materials, assignments, and resources for StreetCode Academy's Programming Fundamentals class, spring 2018.
CS 231n course project. Generation of color photorealistic images of human faces from their corresponding grayscale sketches.
[Built during technical internship at SAS Institute, May 2016 - Aug 2016] Created automated skin cancer detection software using image analysis, feature extraction, and statistical modeling that analyzes images of skin lesions to detect possibly cancerous growths. Presented research and algorithms at the international JMP Discovery Summit (also selected as Best Student Poster), to the Women in Data Science Meetup, at the JMP Developers' Meeting, and at the SAS Intern Expo.
The repo to host Skynet Today
CS 107e Fall 2018 Bare Metal Final Project: SmartMirror
juliagong's Repositories
CS 231n course project. Generation of color photorealistic images of human faces from their corresponding grayscale sketches.
[Built during technical internship at SAS Institute, May 2017 - Sep 2017] Interactive add-in builder using JMP Scripting Language that allows end JMP users to create custom JMP add-ins that execute R functions without writing JSL or R code.
Official code repository for "Using deep learning to identify the recurrent laryngeal nerve during thyroidectomy", Scientific Reports 2021.
[Built during technical internship at SAS Institute, May 2016 - Aug 2016] Created automated skin cancer detection software using image analysis, feature extraction, and statistical modeling that analyzes images of skin lesions to detect possibly cancerous growths. Presented research and algorithms at the international JMP Discovery Summit (also selected as Best Student Poster), to the Women in Data Science Meetup, at the JMP Developers' Meeting, and at the SAS Intern Expo.
Package containing helper functions for loading and evaluating DAVIS
Hack Overflow project
Official code repository for "FlowVOS: Weakly-Supervised Visual Warping for Detail-Preserving and Temporally Consistent Single-Shot Video Object Segmentation", BMVC 2021.
Course materials, assignments, and resources for StreetCode Academy's Programming Fundamentals class, spring 2018.
The repo to host Skynet Today
CS 107e Fall 2018 Bare Metal Final Project: SmartMirror
Workshop materials and other resources for Stanford CS 106B/X Social Good section
An app for university students to more efficiently and effectively organize, attend, and share events on and off campus.