Welcome to the Winter 2016 sesion of StreetCode Academy's Programming Fundamentals! Over the next 8 weeks, we'll be covering basic topics and concepts in progamming, from variables and logic to fancy things like object-oriented programming and recursion. If those words sound foreign right now, don't worry - you'll be a master of these concepts before you know it :)
Mon & Wed, time: 6-9pm
Instructors: Nathaniel Shak, Aneesh Pappu, Thomas Wang, Shrey Gupta, Vicki Niu, Rohun Saxena, and many more!
Processing something something
To sign up for the class Piazza, an online forum where you can ask the teachers questions, click here and use the access code, hacker2.
To download Processing, go here.
For a bunch of awesome Processing tutorials and lessons, go here!
To check out what other people have done with processing in the past, go here!