
Allows expected software behaviors to be specified in a logical language that customers can understand

Primary LanguageTypeScriptMIT LicenseMIT


In progress. The first version will be released once Float, Int and Hooks are supported.

Cocora is a lightweight tool written in Typescript that supports Behavior Based Development (BDD), a software development process that aims to improve software quality and reduce maintenance costs.

Cocora is a modular system that allows you to declare and execute multiple scenarios with configurable steps.


Cocora is inspired by Cucumber, has similarities in the definition format of Scenarios and Steps. Cocora incorporates extra functionalities and brings with it a new execution architecture. See examples section.


Steps definitions:

# steps.yml

- Feature:
    Name: Feature 1
    - Name: Scenario 1
      - Given: that I have gone to the Google page
      - When: 'I add "cats" to the search box'
      - And: click the Search Button
      - Then: '"cats" should be mentioned in the results'
      data: []

Steps declarations:

// declarations.steps.ts

import { Then, Given } from "../src";

const GooglePage = Given('that I have gone to the Google page', {}, async () => {
    console.log('Go to Google page');
    await wait(1000);

const SearchBox = Then('I add {string} to the search box', {}, async (search: string) => {
    console.log(`Type ${search} in the search box`);

const ClickSearchButton = Then('click the Search Button', {}, async () => {
    console.log('Click on the search button');

const Metioned = Then('{string} should be mentioned in the results', {}, async (search: string) => {
    console.log(`The word ${search} appears`);

export { GooglePage, SearchBox, ClickSearchButton, Metioned }

Module referencing

// main.ts

import { Module } from "cocora";
import { GooglePage, ClickSearchButton, SearchBox, Metioned } from "./declarations.steps.ts";

    name: 'Module A',
    declarations: [ GooglePage, SearchBox, ClickSearchButton, Metioned ],
    stepsPath: './steps.yml'

Running the module

$ ts-node main.ts

Go to Google page
Type cats in the search box
Click on the search button
The word cats appears

- State: Success
- Scenarios executed: 1
- Steps executed: 4 / 4



  • Process custom input data (Examples)
  • Support for Float and regular expressions
  • Support condditions
  • Generate report
  • Hooks support
  • Create CLI