3MC - African Mathematical School on Mathematical Modeling in Biology

Find some lectures for the African Mathematical School on Mathematical Modeling in Biology here. See the web page version here.

Stéphanie Portet (University of Manitoba)

  • Lecture 1: Introduction to modelling
  • Lecture 2(a): Toolbox to analyse Ordinary Differential Equation models
  • Lecture 2(b): Toolbox to analyse discrete time models
  • Lecture 3: Beyond mathematical analysis
  • Lecture 4: Use of collection of models and model selection

Michael Li (University of Alberta)

  • Lecture 1: Basic Epidemic Models, Disease Data, and Challenges in Modeling Epidemics
  • Lecture 2: Heterogeneous Epidemic Models and a Graph-Theoretic Method
  • Lecture 3: In-Host Models for Viral Infections of Cells and Backward Bifurcation

James Watmough (University of New Brunswick)

James' material is on his website. I will add links to stuff he mentions here, for convenience.

Jacek Banasiak (University of Pretoria)

Julien Arino (University of Manitoba)

  • A lecture (from another course) on parameter identification here
  • Lecture 1: The chemostat
  • Lecture 2: Metapopulation models. Note: not proofread yet, definitely needs further editing
  • Lecture 3: A few more random things about stoc>

Rachid Ouifki (North West University)

Code directory

You can find some code related to the lectures in this directory in the GitHub repo. Specifically, follow the links below to get directly to the code by: