
a react project based on the api of thp_next_42

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Project: THPGram

20200603-05 Julie K

This project is base on this starter and this API (which you will need to see the demo)


  1. get jsx readable error from rails model validation error
  2. in general, fetch error handling
  3. how to let rails API accept params on result ordering ?
  4. how to prefill antD form with existing value in edit ?


  1. to get the headers from an API call, you'll need to intercept in the very first then, before response.json(). To get the authorization header, will need to do response.headers.get('Authorization'). response.headers alone will always be an empty object. To pile it with the response body, see this SO solution.
  2. It is possible to pass object props from Link to Route like this, but it won't persist. Not sure how interesting it is, but there is one less API call.
  3. Despite my cors settings, PATCH requests are still blocked. this chrome extension is doing fine for now. (PUT is also available)
  4. Browser NEEDS to have redux-devtool extension
  5. AntD has a file uploading component, here is how to personalize it to encode content with base64
  6. here is how to display base64 encoded content


Account related

  • user should be able to create account
  • user should be able to log in with existing account
  • un-logged user should be redirected to login page (if user tries to access a private route)
  • user should be able to log out and token revoked

Image related

  • user should see all photos he can see (from home)
  • user should be able to view own photos (from profile)
  • photo list should ordered by date, latest first
  • a private photo should only be visible by the uploader
  • user should be able to upload a photo (the real photo is not ready but API call ok)
  • user should be able to change description and is_private of own photo
  • user should be able to delete own photo (only from detail view, not from list view)
  • user should be able to click on a photo to see detail and relevant comments
  • user should be able to see username of photo uploader
  • on click of username, should be directed to user profile (both from image and from comment)

Comment related

  • user should be able to delete own comment (from image detail view)
  • user should be able to comment any visible image

Profile related

  • own profile or other people's profile should contain a list of photo of the user
  • own profile should show Username, first_name, last_name, email, created_at
  • own profile should allow modify Username, first_name, last_name, email
  • own profile should allow delete account delete account
  • other people's profile should show: username, first_name, last name initial