
Processing and Arduino code to control surgical robots with LeapMotion hardware.

Primary LanguageProcessingMIT LicenseMIT

Gesture Controlled Endoscopic Surgical Tools

This Arduino and Processing code allows to control servos by hand gestures captured through a LeapMotion controller. A demo video on YouTube shows how I used four servos to control robotic EndoWrist tools.

Getting Started

These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local surgical robot.


The serial communication between the Arduino and the host computer is handled by the Firmata library. Download it here.


The Processing script handles incoming data from the LeapMotion device and sends commands to the Arduino over USB. You'll need the following libraries:

Connecting the Hardware

When you connect the servos to the Arduino, make sure they match with the pins defined at the top of davinci.pde. The defaults connections are as follows.

  • roll: pin 3
  • thumb: pin 9
  • pitch: pin 6
  • index: pin 5

To connect the Processing script to the Arduino, first figure out which serial port to use. You can do this by uncommenting


If necessary, change the index 2 in the line below:

arduino = new Arduino(this, Arduino.list()[2], 57600);

Running the software

  1. Write leapfirmata.ino to your Arduino like any other sketch.
  2. Load the davinci.pde script in Processing, press 'Run'.
