- akshay326San Francisco
- andreale28
- Bia10
- blegatINMA, ICTEAM, UCLouvain
- chengchingwen
- chengg04
- chriscoey@RelationalAI
- denisse-dev@ArchLinux @wikimedia
- dourouc05@Google
- edxu96House of Energy Markets and Finance, University Duisburg-Essen
- frapacMines Paris-PSL
- guilhermebodin@psrenergy and @LAMPSPUC
- haoxiangyang89The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Shenzhen
- jd-laraNational Renewable Energy Laboratory
- joaquimg@psrenergy
- jvalinsky
- mariohsoutoEquilibrium Energy
- matbesanconInria
- MaximilianJHuberNYU Econ
- medson10Votorantim, Brazil
- milhorance
- nignatiadisUniversity of Chicago
- odowAuckland, New Zealand
- philzook58Draper
- raphaelsaavedraEquilibrium Energy
- rschwarzDoing The Math
- s-trinh
- signorgelatoChicago
- snowdj
- tasseffGrowing Energy Labs, Inc.
- tirthasheshpatelGoogle
- trigautSchneider Electric
- xhubMadison, WI
- yuehhuaHuman Intelligence Integration
- ZamaniGitAtiNegar