- 1
- 5
vim-peekaboo sets cmdheight to max, meaning I can only see 1 line of my window output
#83 opened by gibfahn - 5
cmd height changed to maximum
#74 opened by jackielii - 0
Why maps are <buffer>?
#88 opened by Freed-Wu - 5
- 0
- 17
- 3
Feature Request: change (or disable) default maps
#84 opened by Jasha10 - 2
change location of sidebar?
#85 opened by gilbh - 3
No trigger for <c-r> in command mode
#54 opened by Tanath - 1
- 0
[bug] conflict with startify
#80 opened by Freed-Wu - 2
- 1
[Feature Request] show special key combinations instead of bytes: <Esc> instead of ^[
#78 opened by juanMarinero - 1
Blank window in visual mode
#72 opened by kuntau - 5
- 0
Peekaboo window does not show leading whitespaces
#76 opened by skamsie - 1
Not working in Command mode
#73 opened by mversic - 0
Breaks Ex mode if used
#75 opened by mvanderkamp - 0
Can it display the type of register?
#71 opened by Freed-Wu - 0
Can it support redir @?
#70 opened by Freed-Wu - 0
screencapture tool used in README?
#67 opened by daler - 1
- 5
- 0
Space Wasted by Leading Spaces
#59 opened by lo-tp - 1
Vim / Neovim install error / solution
#57 opened by victoriastuart - 0
Unfixable issues
#56 opened by bbtdev - 2
Also for marks?
#32 opened by michamos - 1
Replacing :reg with Peekaboo panel?
#46 opened by mg979 - 0
How to unmap @?
#53 opened by bbtdev - 0
- 1
Bug when combined with Limelight
#51 opened by tom-adsfund - 1
- 4
":'<'>normal q@" hangs
#36 opened - 2
pasting in the expression register `"=`
#28 opened by rafaeln - 5
neovim: i_CTRL-r at end of line broken
#37 opened by blueyed - 1
Pasting ignores the space before the cursor
#44 opened by vbauerster - 2
Question: format for g:peekaboo_window
#45 opened by al3xandru - 3
- 2
Vim register is full of '../' I think it is netrw but could it be peekaboo?
#40 opened by chopfitzroy - 2
C-R doesn't work with visual block
#39 opened by mtglsk - 2
highlight default link peekabooSelected Todo a poor choice for many colorschemes
#38 opened by mtglsk - 3
- 2
- 2
gvim window shrinking
#31 opened by buchmoyerm - 2
Open peekaboo in current window
#33 opened by rohanorton - 5
@ only works for the first time
#26 opened by lazywei - 2
Peekaboo breaks commandline window
#27 opened by rafaeln - 1
(Feature) Disable labels and padding
#25 opened by mtglsk - 3