
Makefile and configs to run ROS with openFrameworks

Primary LanguageMakefile

openFrameworks Project with ROS Compatibility

Build process is controlled using make build system.

The build processes are already automated in 'tasks.json' if you are using Microsoft Visual Studio Code.

Simply clone this directory into OF_ROOT/apps/myApps/. You can delete the .git folder in the directory and initialise you own Git repository (push to remote server, etc.).

Adding Libraries and ROS Packages

Check config.make and add the dependent libraries to:

  • ros_libs (line 87)

Adding ofx addons

Add new line to addons.make with ofx name.

Adding reference to catkin workspace

In config.make:

17 export LD_LIBRARY_PATH := $(LD_LIBRARY_PATH):/opt/ros/noetic/lib:/usr/lib:<path_to_ws>/devel/lib
18 export PKG_CONFIG_PATH := $(PKG_CONFIG_PATH):/opt/ros/noetic/lib/pkgconfig:/usr/lib/pkgconfig::<path_to_ws>/devel/lib/pkgconfig

NOTE: Compilation only works with bash. DO NOT USE WITH zsh.