- 1
averageHeatmap errors
#63 opened by xiaochun321 - 1
#58 opened by Clapton9527 - 1
The jjDotPlot in'group' show error
#62 opened by honghh2018 - 2
- 2
Error in markerVocalno(markers = markers, topn = 5, labelCol = (ggsci::pal_npg())(9)) : could not find function "markerVocalno"
#59 opened by xiaoli-gg - 2
jjVolcano flip=T missing negative marker
#56 opened by junyitao5462 - 1
- 1
- 2
cannot save averageHeatmap output
#52 opened by yulchen810 - 1
#53 opened by hellowxiaoyu - 1
Without rownames in jjDotPlot
#51 opened by FelixZ95 - 2
Error Using averageHeatmap with Example Data and code in scRNAtoolVis Package
#50 opened by Ben-Hu888 - 1
#49 opened by lemmonotic - 3
#48 opened by terry676L - 3
- 1
could not find function "AverageHeatmap"
#46 opened by FangWang277 - 3
AverageHeatmap() function in Seurat v5
#43 opened by ziyuan-ma - 3
#45 opened by Roner2022 - 3
Some question about AverageHeatmap
#40 opened by HandsomeBoyWoo - 1
- 2
Install errors
#39 opened by sunnyzxh - 1
Dependency of Magick
#42 opened by yifanfu01 - 2
Error in utils::download.file(url, path, method = method, quiet = quiet, : download from '' failed
#25 opened by hyq9588 - 2
jjVolcano: This palatte have 12 colors!
#37 opened by CJ-Liu - 1
average log2foldchange 值全为正数
#35 opened by BowenJiang98 - 0
Object p2 cannot be found
#36 opened by 13bf - 0
jjDotPlot Error
#34 opened by zhongguozhiwang - 0
error in installing package
#33 opened by miaomiaoZHUANG - 1
Average Heatmap for duplicated genes
#30 opened by Gene233 - 0
Error in UseMethod("filter")
#31 opened by HaixJiang - 2
jjDotPlot anno=T
#28 opened by tisty1 - 5
- 2
How do I change the size of heat map column(cluster) names using AverageHeatmap function
#26 opened by hyq9588 - 1
- 1
- 6
jjVolcano Error
#22 opened by ZJU-TingYun - 2
- 1
- 2
jjVolcano axis x font and size and color
#19 opened by ghlixh - 3
cellRatioPlot can not print ggplot2 image
#17 opened by liyan910117 - 7
#15 opened by xing9133 - 1
- 1
col front size in AverageHeatmap
#13 opened by lwlive - 1
- 1
- 3
jjVolcano' not found
#9 opened by wangpx1 - 2
myMarkers labels point
#8 opened by zochzh - 1
Point color change
#7 opened by singlece - 2
Ask for enhancement.
#6 opened by Knight1995 - 1
Error in names(x) <- value.
#5 opened by Knight1995